- Thoughts for inspired living

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Living in your mind is like living in a sand castle. When the wind blows or the ocean roars, you become homeless - Grasshopper

Talking to yourself inside your head is a major part of the human condition. Some call it thinking. We come out from this seemingly private fortress to interact with others or to give our attention to something like the material in a book, the music being played, or to the content of a movie or TV show. Then we go right back inside to this noisy nest.

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Fair is a Fairy Tale - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that Reality doesn’t ask your opinion before taking action? Reality does what it does and we have a reaction. We may be elated if Reality has us win the Grasshopper High Jump Sweepstakes or deflated if we have the losing ticket.

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A person filled with anger focuses on whose fault it is rather than seeking a solution - Grasshopper

Blame is a universal dysfunction of the human mind. The underlying notion of blame is that a set of circumstances has to be someone’s fault. The natural offshoot of that idea is that someone has to pay. And one of the built in protection mechanisms we have determines that the person paying the tab will not be me.

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Some people would rather be right than happy. And preferring to be right, they are left out - Grasshopper

Many states in the USA have traffic circles. I've driven around most of them. By law, the driver whose car is in the circle has the right of way. If there is a huge truck approaching the circle on one of the feeder roads, the driver in the circle still has the right of way. The oncoming truck is required to yield to the car in the circle. 

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Unwinding is simply unbinding yourself from your thoughts - Grasshopper

How do you unwind? Is it with a glass of wine, a shower, a chat with a friend or spouse? Do you take a nap, read something, meditate, or do you take a walk or jog? These are some of the things people do to relax.

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Reality is what happens. Perceived reality is what goes on between your ears - Grasshopper

We spend the majority of our lives steeped in illusion. Illusion is the offspring of an encounter between Reality and perceived reality.

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Surrender takes you to a peaceful place of transformation - Grasshopper

Suppose you are afraid of needles and are compelled to get one because of necessary travel to a country that requires inoculation. Four Sumo Wrestlers appear out of nowhere and hold you down so you don't run away in fear. Do you struggle against these giants? Most people do. Does that make any sense?

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Mistakes Are For Math - Grasshopper

Who doesn't make mistakes? - dead people, rocks, and my father (to hear him tell it). Also, God doesn't make mistakes. And guess what, neither do you - except in Algebra.

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If Your Only Nourishment Comes From The Caldron of Culture, You Will Always Have A Soup Stain On Your Shirt - Grasshopper

It looks like a fancy restaurant, but it's only a soup kitchen. That's culture. Culture never invents anything; it reflects the mostly superficial wants and desires of its club members. We all have membership in culture ?" even hermits.

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Your Strongest Asset Is Your Achilles Heel - Grasshopper

This seems like backwards logic. It is! Sometimes you have to look at something from a different vantage point to get a deeper meaning.

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If You Set Mouse Traps, You Always Get Mice - Grasshopper

Have you ever caught sight of yourself in a mirror and said something like, "I look just like my father/mother"? Have you ever caught yourself in the middle of a mannerism and said the exact same thing? It happens all the time.

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Know Less, Discover More - Grasshopper

Whatever you're holding on to for dear life is an impediment to learning something new. Something knew is better than something known. If you allow your knowing to become past tense and short-lived, then new discoveries will thrive.

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When You Say, 'I'll Never Get Over/Used To It,' You're Referring To The Thought Not The Event - Grasshopper

Those thoughts come from your ego, not you. Thoughts from the real you will never keep you stuck. Additionally, you will never fully appreciate life until you discover that it's not your life to begin with. Just this subtle shift of awareness will have you making less attempts at getting used to things, and open you to inspiration that gets you unstuck - moving you forward in life.

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No Sin is Harder to Forgive than Another - Grasshopper

Is it possible that The Grasshopper has ruffled some feathers with this pronouncement? I immediately had objections to this gift from G-force, so I just sat with it for a moment. Then the truth behind the words became clear.

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Stones Weren't Created; They Became Separated - Grasshopper

Everytime you see a rock or a stone, you are seeing a piece of the whole. It looks like it has always been a separate entity but that's never the case. We think of other people as separate from us, but that also is never the case.

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If You Have No Thoughts in Your Head, You Have No Problems - Grasshopper

That may be a foreign thought to many, but the simplicity of The Grasshopper's message bears further investigation. Problems are interpretations of reality. Problems are mind made manifestations. And problems get in the way of solutions.

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If You Can’t Love Everybody, You’ll Never Completely Love Yourself - Grasshopper

Everybody??? Yes, everybody. It's not as improbable as it appears, and it's easier than you think. The benefit is far greater than you may imagine.

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Success Is Less Dependent On Your Goal And More Determined By What You Believe You Can Have - Grasshopper

Goal setting is the global preoccupation. There was a cartoon that Eckhart Tolle referred to recently that read something like this:

"The reason you set goals is so you can keep track of all the things you have failed at."

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A True Apology Comes Without Justification - Grasshopper

The closest life comes to having an undo button is an apology. It shows respect, mends wounds, and opens a door for forgiveness to walk through. We rarely apologize effectively, causing our offense to be even more offensive.

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You'll Be Stuck With That Thought Until You Aren't - Grasshopper

There is no debate that thoughts are the glue that keep us stuck. The question is, "who has the glue remover?" The answer may surprise you.

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After Knowing Me, You'll Never Be Able To Be You Again - Grasshopper

There are certain experiences in life that open you to new vistas, that once seen and experienced, will change how you think about yourself forever. One of those experiences is presence.

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When You Get The Answer, You Stop Wrestling With The Question - Grasshopper

How much clock time do we spend in our lives looking for answers? If thinking is the number one preoccupation of humans, then looking for answers has to be next.

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The Winding Path is the Closest Distance Between You and Revelation - Grasshopper

Did you ever wonder why the path of life is not a straight line? It's designed to wind so that you get to meet more of God's creations.

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Sorry Only Works Once - Grasshopper

An apology contains power. The wind leaves its sail when it's repeatedly used for the same transgression.

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The Surest Way to Miss Your Life is to Take the Detour to Illusion - Grasshopper

"The American Dream" is a marketing mantra that leads us to a detour where we chase the horizon and never arrive.

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Patience is the Ability to Wait the Time it Takes - Grasshopper

Impatience is a conscious effort to speed up the timetable of the Universe.  This activity is folly and extreme hubris wrapped together and brandished as a weapon ?" one that even windmills aren't afraid of.

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The Thumb That’s Holding You Down Contains Your Fingerprint - Grasshopper

And speaking of digits, finger pointing is a global game whose sole aim is to assess blame.

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“The Devil Made Me Do It” Is More Than A Comedian’s Legacy - Grasshopper

The late comedian, Flip Wilson popularized the above phrase during a recurring skit on his TV show. It comically connoted that something else was the cause for your shenanigans. This concept has more truth than meets the "take responsibility for your own actions" eye.

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Sometimes it Has to Get Totally Dark for Someone to See the Light - Grasshopper

There is an upside to the dark side. It's a pathway to find out who you truly are.

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Everything Is As It Should Be Because Everything Is As It Is - Grasshopper

The first part of the quote comes from The Buddha and the second part of the quote came to me via The Grasshopper. Who is The Grasshopper and what does this combination quote mean?

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Between Marbles and Marble There’s Room to Find Life - Grasshopper

From the time we discover our humanness to the time when our name is inscribed on polished stone, there is an ever present opportunity to wipe the sleep out of our eyes and see what's always been there – life.

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Thinking it Over has Less Odds than Wishing on a 4 Leaf Clover - Grasshopper

A conversation in your head is an impotent reaction to reality that cannot effectuate change, anymore than a gelding can be a proud papa.

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Nothing Grows in a Field That Won’t Yield - Grasshopper

Resistance keeps you like hardened soil where nothing grows making your crops barren and your field overrun with tumbleweeds.

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No One is Good or Evil - Just Patterned - Grasshopper

People who are judged Right or Wrong, Good or Bad, Sinner or Saint, all come from the same family tree. The behavioral differences they display are determined by the conditioning they collect.

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Anger is a Bodyguard that Keeps You Isolated - Grasshopper

When you are aware enough to interrupt your anger, you find a connection that's always been there.

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Here But For The Space Of God Am I - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that everything occupies a space? A space has been made for everything. There is room at the Inn for you and me.

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My Ego’s Bigger Than Your Ego - Grasshopper

Ever been in a conversation with someone where you wanted to one-up them, have the last word, appear smarter, win at all costs?  Welcome to the world class game, Who's Got The Bigger Ego

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Nature Doesn’t Think; It Just Creates - Grasshopper

When nature flows into your thinking, you will create great things. Great things require less thinking.

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If It Could Only Be Like It Never Was - Grasshopper

Memories are deceiving. They are colored by predispositions and faded by time and edited of their flaws before we watch the rerun in our mind's eye.

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Then Isn’t Happening Now - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that "then" can be past or future? Then can never be now but we live our whole life in then and wonder why it's not happening now.

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The Largest Mistake You Can Make with Another is to Communicate Their Lack of Importance to You - Grasshopper

"I couldn't care less" is the message of relationship death and it is sent out more often than you can imagine.

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Tomorrow’s Difference is Based on the Consciousness You Have Now - Grasshopper

My friend, Hali recently saw this saying on a church billboard: "Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday." How much time can we afford to be absent absorbed in future worry or past woe?

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The Vibration of Your Bell can be Heaven or Hell - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice how short the sound associated with the ringing of a bell actually is? The sound comes out of silence and returns to silence, and what is in between is our existence.

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The Real “Catch 22” is Your Criticism of You - Grasshopper

Self criticism keeps alive any unwanted condition in you by giving it more energy with every blow you strike.

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A Mistake is Renaming a Part of Reality We Don’t Like - Grasshopper

We truly make a mistake when we deny the outcome of reality by saying, "It shouldn't have happened."

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When Looking For A Sign, You May Miss The Exit - Grasshopper

Countless, unsuccessful attempts at seeking a sign to show up have not prevented us from continuing a practice that doesn't work

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You Have to Let Go of What Was in Order to Get to What Is - Grasshopper

"What was" intentions put too much of our attention on the past. The ego loves this because it has succeeded in convincing us that we can change the past and control the uncontrollable. We can't. "What is" puts our intention and attention on our present reality and what's possible.

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We are Attracted to Those Who Will Discharge Our Tensions - Grasshopper

Dreams discharge tension; that's why this is the person of our dreams.

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Stop Wishing for What You Don’t Want - Grasshopper

The more time you spend at this dried up well, the more you thirst for that which you cannot quench.

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All Problems Have Solutions But Not Unless You Notice Them - Grasshopper

Too much of our effort in finding solutions is misplaced which delays them even longer.

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You Can’t Fall Apart While Being Picked Apart - Grasshopper

Falling apart is a natural occurrence; picking apart is a mind made strategy that derails the process.

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Your Thoughts Are Not Allowed In Heaven - Grasshopper

Best I can guess, everyone goes the same place when they die – let's call it heaven. The trick is to visit heaven as often as you can while you're living, so you can feel the aliveness of having no thoughts.

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Life’s Menu Is Limited When You Only Shoot Fish In A Barrel - Grasshopper

The low hanging fruit will only feed you for so long and then real hunger appears.

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Keeping Something At Arm’s Length Just Keeps It In Proximity - Grasshopper

The real chase begins with an embrace.

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Feeling Sad Isn’t All Bad - Grasshopper

It can lead to peace of mind through peace of body.

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Give Up Your Guru - Grasshopper

Inspiration without perspiration is all wet.

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The Best Defense Is No Defense At All - Grasshopper

It may not work in football, but it is one of life's essential inclusion strategies.

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There Is No Reply That Will Satisfy “Why?” - Grasshopper

"Why?" rarely produces factual answers, just a bevy of emotional justifications that keeps the truth hidden and peace at a distance.

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Time Will Never Heal A Wound That Has An Enemy - Grasshopper

The jury may still be deliberating that "time heals all wounds," but there is no question we are bound to those whom we love forever.

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Worry Stops When You Die - Grasshopper

What you may not have noticed is there is another living, breathing remedy.

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Bet On The Best Possible Outcome And You Will Never Lose - Grasshopper

Your odds of winning increase when you cease betting on what you want and start wagering on "What is."

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The Flexibility Of Reality Is A Hard Thing To See - Grasshopper

The biggest blind spot we have as human beings is that we think that we live life. We live under the illusion of control. The opposite is true: life lives us. It's a reality. Here's another well kept secret: This animating force of life drives us, but as a passenger we cannot demand, but only suggest a route.

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Humpty Dumpty And Spilt Milk Make A Great Omelet - Grasshopper

You can't unscramble an egg but you can have it be the base for something new.

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Dreams Can Never Come True From A Position of Resistance - Grasshopper

Resistance is a condition that binds and blinds. Until the ropes are cut and the blindfold is removed, you'll stay tethered to the ground leaving the blue sky for others to find.

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Your Willpower Wanes When Your Beliefs Remain The Same - Grasshopper

What happens when you run your life by an equation that is flawed? You get spotty results. The faulty calculus we've all learned revolves around the word "Willpower."

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Redefining Reality Is A Full Time Job That Pays Paltry Wages - Grasshopper

Even the highest paid interpreters at the United Nations fail to communicate meaning. We also fail to find the illusive carrot called "meaning" when we continue to interpret reality and attempt to sell our definition of it as holy doctrine.

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When You Stop Creating, You Stop The Flow Of Life - Grasshopper

Ask yourself: "Am I creating or existing on creations?" Your answer will clearly demonstrate whether you're fulfilling your life's purpose or drifting between circumstances.

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The Christmas Spirit Is Love On Parade - Grasshopper

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, there is something observable called "Christmas Spirit" that goes deeper than religion, gift giving and sharing a cup of cheer.

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Feed Your Soul More Than Your Mind And Nourish Your Spirit - Grasshopper

It seems we have it "bass ackwards" which always leads to wanting more and getting less.

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You Cannot Teach That Which You Are Unwilling To Learn - Grasshopper

We are all teachers with our lists of successes and failures. Our rate of success increases when we admit we know very little. That acknowledgement opens the flood gates to learning.

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Your Favorite Color Isn’t The Only Choice - Grasshopper

It's hard to believe that in a box of 64 crayons we are able to narrow down our choice to just one preferred color, but we do.

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If You Can’t Find It Here, You Won’t See It There - Grasshopper

There’s a plausible explanation for the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and for anything else that’s not showing up in your life.

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Different Scenery, Same Destination - Grasshopper

There are many paths to heaven yet we remain busy arguing for ours.

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If Your Life Is A Mere Footnote, Sing For More Than Just Kicks - Grasshopper

Going for just the gusto has you miss what sits below the foam.

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Real Communication Begins When You Get Past Your Judgements - Grasshopper

Judgements are normal, and when they feed on themselves they become the glue that keeps communication from flowing.

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When There Is No Container, You Cannot Be Contained - Grasshopper

All content happens within a boundary. When those boundaries are stretched or broken, you can never remain the same.

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Every Time You React, You Reenact - Grasshopper

The corollary is also accurate. Every time you respond, you are no longer blonde.

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Offer Your Presence And You’ll Always Bring A Gift - Grasshopper

When you bring nothing with you, you contribute to everyone's growth.

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Your Addiction Reveals Your Affliction - Grasshopper

When you pick your poison, you can also spotlight the emotion that caused you to choose it.

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When You Claim Something Doesn’t Affect You, It’s Already Taken Its Toll - Grasshopper

Glossing over the effect keeps the energy of any denied hurt alive and working behind the scenes.

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Even If You Never State It, You Communicate It - Grasshopper

You give away all your secrets in every communication.

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The Scales Will Never Tip If You Keep Weighing Your Options - Grasshopper

You're stuck at a way station that keeps you weighted down when you wait for the scales to decide.

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Being An Expert On The Problem Keeps You From Finding A Solution - Grasshopper

“I know what’s wrong with me” is a mindset that will keep you on the NO side of GO.

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Defending The Strategy That Put You In A Ditch Makes Your Life A Continuing Abyss - Grasshopper

How did YOU get to where you are? There is a path you followed and you will continue to follow it as long as you defend your actions.

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Behold The Moment And Take Your Life Off Hold - Grasshopper

When you participate in life, every moment is your moment.

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When You Live Your Life In A Wishbowl, You Are Confined - Grasshopper

Swimming in circles is the best you can hope for when the only thing you possess is a wish.

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Every Time You Try, You Lie - Grasshopper

"Try, try again" as your motto will have you win every audition for the part of Pinocchio.

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Echoes And Shadows Are Mere Traces Of Reality - Grasshopper

Imagine someone hearing their echo in the foothills of Colorado and saying, "the canyon is talking to me." We use that logic all the time when we live in the shadows of reality.

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Become Weary Of The Fight And You’ll Find The Light - Grasshopper

Accept the enlightened gift of surrender. It has no strings attached.

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The Stock Market Is A Crock Market - Grasshopper

Not as in a "crock of s**t," but as in "Crockpot."

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All Things Happen And Then We Reason - Grasshopper

How often have we interpreted reality to mean something other than what it is? If we ever apply reason to reason, we will find that it's a coping mechanism we use waiting for the piece of reality that we desire to show up.

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When You Find Out More About People, You Find Out More About You - Grasshopper

Their "idiosyncrasies" are a reflection of parts of you that you don't know.

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Arguing With Yourself Is A One Person Play - Grasshopper

And your performance is so off Broadway as to be in another state.

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The Trouble With Not Noticing Leads To Trouble - Grasshopper

Not noticing is one of the largest causes of self-imposed misery.

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Purity Has No Equal - Grasshopper

Nothing compares to purity.

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Life’s Hardest Mission Is Giving Up Control - Grasshopper

It would seem to be the easiest since control doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t keep us from insisting it does and attempting to bind people and things with non-existent rope.

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Life Only Has One Real Choice - Responding - Grasshopper

Once you discover this for yourself, victimhood vanishes and excuses and justifications jump out the window.

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When You Confuse Your Story With Your Life, You’re Stuck - Grasshopper

Every one of us has a story to tell and it’s telling how often it interferes with the flow of our life.

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If Your Experience Doesn’t Match Your Philosophy, You’re Pretending - Grasshopper

We all live in a world of make believe and like children, we don’t want to leave the theme park.

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Planning Allows You The Freedom To Be Spontaneous - Grasshopper

I’m wondering if you can remember how confident you felt when you actually studied for a test? It’s a much better feeling than having to struggle for answers, and it produces a better mindset with better results. The same is true in life.

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A Notion Without Emotion is Just a Good Idea - Grasshopper

Good ideas are a penny a bushel. The ones that actually launch have a boatload of passion behind them. Any pursuit without passion is tiring and makes life feel lifeless.

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The Fear To Act Is The Fear To Fail; Lots Of Action Is The Fear Of Death - Grasshopper

Laziness is a fear as is non-stop activity. These opposite behaviors mask the driving fears behind them.

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If You Only Judge And Never Feel, You Miss Your Life - Grasshopper

There is an old song whose title says it all, "I'm On The Outside Looking In." If you're judging, you remain detached from actual feelings and live in isolation with the mental constructs of right and wrong.

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The Price Of Not Being A Victim - Priceless - Grasshopper

How much is your life worth? It's hard to set a limit on something so precious. Yet, we throw away our life every time we adhere to victimhood.

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All Beliefs Are Exclusionary - Grasshopper

If you are human, you believe – but you weren't born that way. All beliefs are acquired and each acquisition comes with a built-in limitation – exclusion. Translation: Not like me.

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Common Is The Norm, But It’s Not Normal - Grasshopper

We as humans are the sum total of common routines that we’ve learned and automated. This is how we and others determine who we are. It’s such a cursory look that misses our depth. Our depth is what’s normal.

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If You're Married To A Philosophy, At Least Sleep In Separate Beds - Grasshopper

Everyone, stated or unstated, has a philosophy. It's our personal take on how thing are. Our most misguided move is when we turn a great date into a lousy marriage.

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To Get More, Let More - Grasshopper

We've all heard the cheesy line from a movie where the character says. "I want to be somebody." The thing most often overlooked is that they are already somebody – somebody they don't want to be. They want to be more.

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Being Done Wrong Is A Song Stuck In Everybody’s Head - Grasshopper

No wonder Country Music is so popular. The story lines that appear in the lyrics are a mirror of what goes on in our minds.

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Holding On To A Grudge Holds Off Your Happiness - Grasshopper

Holding your story together about how another behaved is an inroad to impasse with no road signs pointing the way to happiness.

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Life’s Hardest Challenge Is Finding Out Who You’re Not - Grasshopper

Life's mission is clear cut and simple, but carrying it out is resisted almost every step of the way.

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Life Is Passing You By If You Are Attempting To Solve It Rather Than Live It - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that we treat life like a puzzle, something that needs to be figured out? The figuring always gets in the way of living.

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There’s Always Room At The Inn If You Create Space - Grasshopper

It may require knocking down a few walls, but the final result opens you up to unseen opportunities.

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A Major Milestone Is Reached When You Discover The Difference Between What You Have And Who You Are - Grasshopper

Our whole value system is based on judgement and we are conditioned to judge ourselves by what we have. Who you are requires no judgement or justification. It just is.

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Life Develops In The Dark - Grasshopper

It’s the unknown darkness that produces what can visibly be seen in the light of day.

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We Too Often Offer Evidence For Who We Aren’t - Grasshopper

How often have you heard a statement like: "I'm not anything like my mother"? Notice two things:
1.       It's a comparative declaration.
2.       It's a statement about who you aren't.
Those types of statements are always diversions leading us away from who we are.

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You Always Get What You Deserve - Grasshopper

The notion of deserve is an intellectual concept that has no counterpart in nature and is a giant glob of glue that keeps us from moving forward.

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Addiction Is Fed By Emotional Cowardice - Grasshopper

There are all sorts of addictions – too many to name, but suffice it to say, they ain’t going away until we’re brave enough to feel our emotions.

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When There’s Only One Way To Heaven, You Run Out Of Options - Grasshopper

How do we limit ourselves? Let me count the ways. The biggest one, of which, is having only one way.

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Beliefs Are Frozen Thought Forms - Grasshopper

If you can’t warm up to someone else’s beliefs, there’s good reason – They are frozen. And so are yours.

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The Only Thing That Separates You From Your Treasure Is Thought - Grasshopper

This is not the treasure you think about; it's the one you can only experience.

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The Universal Fear Is Being Found Out - Grasshopper

Your secret fear is shared by every thinking being on earth – that they’ll figure out you’re not the person you pretend to be.

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You Can't Fail The Test Because There Isn't One - Grasshopper

TRUE or FALSE: One belief that will keep you glued to the exam chair is that Fate or God or some other all encompassing force is testing you. The answer to that question is always TRUE because, frankly, Fate/God/Reality/(insert your euphemism here) doesn’t care.

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Unsolicited Advice Comes With A Price - Grasshopper

Whether you are the giver or receiver, you'll get stuck with the bill.

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Your Guardian Angel Isn't Your Conscience - Grasshopper

Your conscience is conditioned; your angel is creative.

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Heartbreak Is A Pathway To Life - Grasshopper

If you've never had your heart broken, you haven't really lived.

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Remove "Because" And Outgrow Your Behavior - Grasshopper

"I'm _______________ because of _______________" is the blueprint for delaying a solution.

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Your Life Lives Between A Snapshot And A Vision - Grasshopper

A snapshot is always about the past; a vision is always about the future. The question is: “What reflects what’s going on now?”

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Before Your Beliefs, There Was You - Grasshopper

Before there was the “you” you think you are, there was the pure, unadulterated life force that predates your beliefs. That’s the “You” to come home to.

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Spontaneity Spawns Creativity - Grasshopper

But what gives birth to spontaneity? Noticing you're about to enter a big, black hole again.

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Just The Way You Are Is The Only Place You Can Begin - Grasshopper

"That's just the way I am" is almost always a justification to stay the same. Looked at from a slightly different angle, a similar statement can be a springboard to outgrow paralyzing conditioning.

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Are You Playing A Game Of Skill Or Chance? - Grasshopper

Odds are, you may have your eggs in the basket where they'll easily crack.

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If Excuses Were Currency, We’d All Prosper - Grasshopper

No transaction takes place when all we offer are excuses.

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Moments Are Like Identical Twins - No Two Are Alike - Grasshopper

When we lump moments together or compare one to another, we miss the snowflake quality each moment brings.

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Looking Back Is The Mother Of Detention - Grasshopper

Wonderful memories are to be celebrated and cherished and when you have a steady diet of looking back, you impede your progress.

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Not Knowing The Answer Isn’t A Crime; Being Unwilling To Learn Is - Grasshopper

Many parents have mastered the art of making you feel stupid. Unfortunately, I count myself among them. It only takes one question – "You didn't know that?"

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The Most Prized Real Estate Contains No Land - Grasshopper

Pure and simple, the most prized treasure is space – the one between your thoughts.

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Rivers Have Beds But They Don’t Take Naps - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that nature is effortlessly efficient in what it does? ?" No complex instruction manual needed. Simply put: Nature doesn't waste energy; it doesn't tire itself out.

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The Death Of Respect Is The Beginning Of The End - Grasshopper

Whether we realize it or not, something is coming to, or is already at, an end when we devalue its worth.

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The Step You’re On Now Determines Your Path - Grasshopper

Perhaps it's never occurred to you but the most important step is the one you are on now.

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The Unwelcomed Visitor Eventually Needs A Hug - Grasshopper

Have you ever uttered the words, "I never expected that to happen to me"? But, for better or worse, it did happen and you met reality. This is a close encounter of the human kind that when recognized and given proper attention, causes a shift – one that helps us find a hidden gear.

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Destination Frustration: Lie Until You Die - Grasshopper

The TV character, HOUSE has revealed an eternal truth: "Everybody Lies." And the biggest way to ensure continued frustration into eternity is to keep that practice alive.

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When Respect And Gratitude Head Out The Door, They Leave It Open For Lack And Attack - Grasshopper

When my youngest son was taking swimming lessons, his instructor told him the magic words were "reach and pull." That worked well in the pool, but the magic words that work in life are . . .

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Your Filters Color Your Future - Grasshopper

We all know expressions like, "The rich get richer" and "if it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all," but we never investigate the process, only rail against the reality. This practice signifies a clogged filter.

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Truth Doesn’t Bend - Grasshopper

The new global pastime is bending the facts to fit your truth. It's evident in politics, religion and other topics you don't talk about in mixed company.

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Find The Gear That Works - Disengage - Grasshopper

We have many gears available but finding the one that works is the trick. You find it when you disengage.

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Life Remains Dead When You Live Inside Your Head - Grasshopper

Have you ever repeatedly turned on a light switch during a power failure? Then you know the frustration of attempting to light your life without access to your power.

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Memory Does More Than Link You To Your Past - Grasshopper

It's a difficult concept to grasp but the past does not exist. The remnants of the past are just that – remnants. When we call the trail of the comet the comet itself, we have mislabeled the past as the present.

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Life Is A Sensation, Not An Emotion - Grasshopper

Our lives are filled with emotion and they signify we are alive, but they are not the force that animates us, only the reaction to the circumstances we encounter.

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What Love Song Are You Living? - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that love songs mainly address one of three time frames – Then, Now and When?

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Explore The Room Rather Than The Gloom - Grasshopper

Gloom sits in an isolated corner and rarely, if ever, notices the real estate that surrounds it.

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The Fork Less Traveled - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper has borrowed a phrase from author and psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck which reveals a choice that many ignore.

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The Passport To Creativity Is Silence - Grasshopper

You can gain entry to creativity in a crowded, noisy, external environment, but the border guard will not give you access until you are internally silent.

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Your Focus Determines Your Future - Grasshopper

Sometimes we need to be reminded that what's out of focus requires our focus. It's not because we don't know what area to focus on, we just need a cue to get a clue to begin looking there.

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Noticing There Is No Control Is The Only Control You Have - Grasshopper

It seems we all want to be in control; yet we are thwarted at every turn. Control, as we know it, is fleeting.

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“Thank You” Is On Life Support - Grasshopper

"Thank You" is not dead yet, but rumor has it that the last rites are being administered.

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Is Your Stunt Double Living Your Life? - Grasshopper

We get robbed of our life when we let someone else live it. Who is it that has stolen our identity and is representing us to the world?

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Change Never Changes - Grasshopper

Nothing has changed since Greek philosopher, Heraclitus told us that “Change is the only constant.”

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Life’s Missed Opportunity Is Wasting Your Freedom Of Choice - Grasshopper

Who can't remember that first feeling of freedom of having to answer to no one and doing what you wanted to do, when you wanted to do it?

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Give Up Hope And Hope Will Return - Grasshopper

I admit that I'm not a big fan of hope. I have it in the "wish" category and have rarely seen evidence of it working. With that said, there is a human need for hope. So how do you get it back when it's in short supply?

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Are You Being Wronged By Your Conditioning? - Grasshopper

If you don't think something is right or wrong, there must be something wrong with you, or at least that's what we believe.

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Evidence Of Being An Adult: When You Do Nice Things For People Who Aren’t Nice To You - Grasshopper

Your Mom was half right, but she forgot to tell you the second part of the wisdom: If you can’t DO something nice for somebody, do nothing at all.

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Living On The Edge Will Sharpen Your Skills - Grasshopper

If you listen to the conversations in the deli line, at a local bar or to the needs of a person in therapy, the common thread seems to be the goal of an unchallenged life. It’s this quest for the middle that dulls our desires.

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True Magic Lies In Knowing The Trick - Grasshopper

Hocus Pocus is a smokescreen that is used to dazzle and keep you focused on what isn't relevant while your pocket is being picked.

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If You Live Your Life Like It’s Ending, You’ll Never Begin Living - Grasshopper

Have you ever been enjoying a TV show and looked at the clock and said, "Oh No, it'll be over in 10 minutes"? If you are focused on endings, you miss the essence of living.

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Going Halfway Is Only A Halfway Measure - Grasshopper

“I’ll meet you half way” may work well in negotiating a deal, but in a relationship it leads to a stalemate.

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Unaccepted Reality Always Causes Pain - Grasshopper

Reality isn’t my truth or your truth; it’s universal truth, and ignoring it or keeping it at arm’s length keeps you in the embrace of pain.

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You Turn A Blind Eye To That Which You Can’t See - Grasshopper

And we can never really see another's point of view until we adopt it.

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Drowning Your Sorrows Insures They’ll Be Here Tomorrow - Grasshopper

We take out a lifetime policy on our misery when our daily practice is to numb its existence.

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Guilt And Shame Are Not The Same: One Triggers An Apology The Other Cannot Muster - Grasshopper

It has intrigued me for a number of years that a certain portion of the population has trouble apologizing. From my vantage point, it's always been about immaturity, but it goes deeper than that for some. It's about shame.

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Hate Is A Stop On The Way - Not A Final Destination - Grasshopper

No matter how good of a parent you are, may have been or will be, your children, somewhere along the way, hated you. In fact, no matter how sainted you are you've hated someone for a time. The time has come to put hate in perspective.

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Accepting Reality Is An Oxymoron - Grasshopper

It’s right up there with accepting “A little pregnant,” “Acute dullness” and “Boneless ribs.”

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Standing On Principle May Get You Expelled - Grasshopper

The principal reason we give for sticking to our guns is that we won't compromise our principles. The proposed notion we are rejecting, out of hand, is often a result of failing to recognize what the other side is attempting to get us to see: "These aren't your father's principles."

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Visits To The State Of Flow Are Quiet Accidents - Grasshopper

Where is the state of flow on the map? If not shown on a map, what are its GPS coordinates? The problem is you can't get there from here. There is no official route to the state of flow, but it's an unmistakable feeling when you arrive.

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The Gift Most Often Left Unopened - Response - Grasshopper

One of the greatest gifts we've ever been given remains overlooked in a corner as though it's a brown paper package tied up with string. If opened, it will become one of your favorite things.

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New Beginnings Start At An Endpoint - Grasshopper

We are a world of beginners. We are constantly beginning new things without end, but it takes a real ending for most of us to begin something that lasts.

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When You Are Full Of Yourself, Your Tank Is Empty - Grasshopper

We've all been full of ourselves at one time or another and it gave us a false reading that our tank was full.

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Swimming After A Sailing Ship Is An Exercise In Drowning - Grasshopper

You can’t out swim your sorrow by chasing after a tomorrow that will always be off in the distance.

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To Replace, Make A Space - Grasshopper

From experience, I can say with certainty that there are close quarters onboard U.S. Naval vessels, especially in the passageways. When someone needs to get by quickly, or for emergency purposes, the phrase they say rather loudly is: “Make a hole.”

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Self Assessment Leads To Self Acceptance - Grasshopper

Starts that finish begin from where you are, not where you think you are.

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Right And Wrong Are Reflections Of Each Other - Grasshopper

Right contains wrong and wrong contains right, and if you think too long about it, it’ll make your head spin.

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Thrive Or Survive? It’s A Mindset - Grasshopper

Are you hunkering down or gearing up? You may say that it depends on the situation, but if you investigate it a bit further, you'll find that you commonly select one over the other.

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True Or False: Are You Living The Dream? - Grasshopper

The answer to the question is "Yes." What we believe about the premise of the question is what requires us to come up with a true or false answer.

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Human Beings Selectively Love And Hate, And Both Qualities Blind - Grasshopper

Open your eyes to the notions that love is blind and hatred blinds and see through to the soul.

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Meaningful Is In The Mind Of The Beholder - Grasshopper

If something doesn't mean something to you, it isn't meaningful, no matter how meaningful it is to me.

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Life’s Common Dread: Being Caught Inside Your Head - Grasshopper

The ills of humankind have a common cause – being trapped within the talking machine and not knowing there is another way out.

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Who Am I? Looking For An Answer? - Grasshopper

It may not be asked more often than “Are we there yet?” but “Who Am I?” is a question that comes up often enough and it deserves an answer.

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You Can’t Escape The Pain Of Complain - Grasshopper

Every time we complain, we are expressing pain. Even though we may try in vain, we can't explain away our pain.

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When Peace Is Out Of Focus, You’re Focused On Something Else - Grasshopper

Peace is always in our camera’s frame; we just negate it by keeping conflict in sharper focus.

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Life’s Retouch: Repainting Your Perspective - Grasshopper

What if you could touch up parts of your past and see them in a new light, wouldn't that be helpful? It can be done even if you're a lousy painter.

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You Don’t Consciously Remember That Which You Want To Forget - Grasshopper

We seem to remember the good and bury the bad, but part of us never forgets.

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Shame: It’s What You Think About What They Think - Grasshopper

Forget whether shame is a good or bad thing. That can be debated forever by the same type of people who argue whether a Mac or PC is better. The question is: Is it useful?

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For Dust To Settle You Have To Stop Kicking It Up - Grasshopper

It's what's NOT said or done right after a dust-up that leads to a solution.

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If You Get In By Accident, Get Out On Purpose - Grasshopper

Accidents happen and rarely do we get out of them by accident.

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The Container Doesn’t Care; It Only Carries What’s In There - Grasshopper

Our beliefs are like taxi cabs. A taxi cab doesn’t care who its passenger is; it will transport whomever to wherever.

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All The Information Isn’t In The Library - Grasshopper

We all have a personal library of experience and we do ourselves a disservice when that’s the only place we do research.

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A Pause Precedes Wisdom - Grasshopper

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom and when you discover the difference, you'll pause more often.

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Freedom: Unmasking Your Secret Identity - Grasshopper

Freedom is a buzzword that is rarely quantified. This elusive concept has been walking around in disguise, and once the mask is removed, we intimately know the true identity of freedom.

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Turn The Tables On Temptation - Grasshopper

Temptation is most often couched in terms of something that’s wrong. Rarely do we hear that temptation is a catalyst for stoking one’s aliveness.

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You Can’t Say “No” To Reality - Grasshopper

When it comes to reality, the answer is always “Yes.” Any other answer causes extended suffering.

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Reality Never Breaks A Promise - Grasshopper

That’s because reality never makes a promise.

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Having Appreciation For Others Helps You Develop - Grasshopper

My hobby is photography. I find that the best photographs I take are of people, creatures and things I care about. You can’t manufacture care but you can cultivate appreciation, which paves the way towards care.

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The Peanut Is Unknowable Until There’s A Crack In The Shell - Grasshopper

How well do you know someone? You will be in the dark until you get a peek inside.

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Patterns of Behavior Are Yesterday’s Memories Projected Upon Today - Grasshopper

"We live our life by reference," said the wise Dr. Dave Dobson. What he meant was that we reference and react to something that already happened, (a memory) rather than to what is really going on now.

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Depression: Believing “What Is” Shouldn’t Be - Grasshopper

I learned a long time ago that "depression" doesn't exist. That doesn't mean that we don't get depressed; it simply means that depression is only a description of the process of how we depress ourselves. That process requires action on our part.

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Indifference: The Wall Around Your Heart - Grasshopper

If you can’t be reached, chances are you have walled yourself off with indifference. When you don’t care, it’s hard to care about you.

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There Is No Hierarchy In Heaven - Grasshopper

There seems to be a caste system on earth even if you don’t live in India. Hierarchy is a superficial structure we house ourselves in that needs to be disassembled to enter Heaven.

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If You’re Driven By Your Standards, It’s Harder To Reach Your Goals - Grasshopper

How often have you allowed your rules get in the way of your rewards? Not the societal rules that everyone is supposed to live by, but the self-imposed rules that sack your success.

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Power Outages Are The Rule Rather Than The Exception - Grasshopper

With a hurricane bearing down on us and our electrical power gone, I was struck with the notion that this uncommon circumstance is rather common in our daily lives – we lose power often.

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Small Adjustments Start Big Changes - Grasshopper

“Our routines run us” is the foundation of what I believe, and when our routines don’t serve us well, we opt for wholesale change. That practice rarely works, and if it does, it’s often short lived.

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Someone’s Looking Out For Number One When They Speak In The Third Person - Grasshopper

I’m often amused by someone who refers to themselves in the third person because my experience is that don’t have anyone else’s interest at heart but theirs, no matter how flowery their speech.

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An Unexamined Life Is The Result Of One, Unasked Question - Grasshopper

Socrates, an old, dead philosopher left us with these living words: “An unexamined life is not worth living.” The natural question is: What are we to examine?

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Happy Accidents Are Realities That Are Labeled As Coincidences - Grasshopper

The best definition I ever heard for coincidences came from Wayne Dyer in his book, "The Power of Intention." He wrote, "The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes. It describes that which fits together perfectly."

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You Rob Yourself of Life When You Dance Away From Your Depth - Grasshopper

Are you “managing” your life? If so, you are side stepping your depth.

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Getting Attention Is Easier Than Keeping Attention - Grasshopper

The job of the headline is to get attention. The National Enquirer has the best headlines, but most of their stories lose your attention quickly. That’s because keeping attention needs lots of attention.

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Before You Hibernate, Show Your Most Brilliant Colors - Grasshopper

I think Autumn is the season that reminds us of our brilliance and I believe it's our life's mission to show the world our colors.

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Innate vs. Intellect: Life’s Every Day Conflict - Grasshopper

There is a war going on within us every day.  It’s not good vs. evil, although that’s what many would have us believe. The battle that rages is between what we know and what we think we know. Like all battles, a cease fire or surrender is necessary in order for peace to have a chance.

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Adulthood: Discovering You Are Response-Able - Grasshopper

The defining signs that you belong at the adult table are: First, noticing, and then, second, acting on your ability to respond vs. using your programmed pattern to react.

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What You Know At A Deeper Level Is What You Don’t Know - Grasshopper

I’ve heard it said that what you don’t know will hurt you. That certainly can be the case if you make it your life’s mission to keep the unconscious from becoming conscious.

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Turning Up The Volume Reduces Our Ability To Listen - Grasshopper

Increasing the volume may work with music, but with human thought it only produces distortion.

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A Genuine Leader Finds His Way Before He Finds Followers - Grasshopper

A leader is a pathfinder who has a clear indication of True North that guides his every step. Wouldn’t this be someone you’d want to follow? What if that leader is you?

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If You’re Always The Hero Of Your Story, You Aren’t Very Brave - Grasshopper

How many stories have you heard or told where the story teller saves the day? My guess is too many. It’s some version of “Well, I showed them.”

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Give Up The Grudge Against Forgiveness - Grasshopper

Before you can forgive another, you have to forgive yourself for holding a grudge.

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How Many Answers Does Your Question Provide? - Grasshopper

It’s a good thing to get lots of answers if you are seeking general information, but not so great when you’re seeking specific solutions, because a scattered method only raises Cain.

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“Good, Better, Best” Are Words That Cause Unrest - Grasshopper

Who was the best boxer, ice skater, swimmer, artist, singer, actor, guitarist, photographer, philosopher . . . ? Who's better at (fill in the blank)? What's a good place to go to eat? All of these questions have multiple answers and they often provide fuel for countless fires.

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Happy Renew Year! - Grasshopper

3 years ago I chose not to renew my subscription to the newspaper. I wasn’t reading it, I didn’t have dead fish I needed to wrap, and it was causing me to put out more recycling than was necessary on trash day. What will you renew that won’t benefit you in 2012?

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Cancel My Subscription! - Grasshopper

We all subscribe to something. The minute you start to believe in something, you have signed up for a lifetime subscription. The question we rarely ask is: "Is my subscription working for me?"

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Reality Contains Both The Problem And The Solution - Grasshopper

Reality is the sum of all contingencies. That means it contains all upsides and downsides, and when we recognize that, then we know we always have a choice.

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Life Is An Inside Out Proposition - Grasshopper

There is an old song called, “I’m On The Outside Looking In” which details a love affair that turned sour, but it more aptly describes what we are all looking for in life– The Inside.

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Live Up To Now Not Down To The Advertising - Grasshopper

My experience is that so few events live up to their advertising. That's because we expect events to produce the juice in our lives, but they never squeeze out enough to sustain us. Then we go off seeking another event.

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When You Withhold, You Hold Yourself Back - Grasshopper

It's never a good idea to say everything that's on the tip of your tongue, but if you hold all your cards close to your vest, you are not investing in your future.

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Is Your Style Cramping Your Style? - Grasshopper

Our surface style is our conditioned personality; our innate style is our character. The more one needs the spotlight, the more other stays hidden in the shadows.

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Stop Renting Scapegoats And Own Your Emotions - Grasshopper

One of the lessons we have all learned is that the cause of my feelings is not me; it’s something out there that’s not me. It’s a piece of learning that would benefit by some updating of the facts.

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Reality Isn’t Always Polite, Even Though It’s Always Right - Grasshopper

Reality can wipe your nose or kick your butt and, in either case, it's always right but not always polite. Sometimes, to show you care, you cannot be polite.

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Adapt or Control? One Path Makes You Less Than Whole - Grasshopper

It seems to me that we react to life’s situations in one of two ways. We either adapt or control. The path we choose reveals our conditioning.

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Keep Your Sensations Closer Than Your Thoughts - Grasshopper

Your thoughts may betray you; your sensations never will. It’s only a thought that can get you to turn your back on a sensation.

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Right or Wrong Have Camps; “Is” Has No Boundaries - Grasshopper

“Is” can’t be contained  or confined by ideology or belief and it never engages in backbiting or pledges to have anyone’s back. “Is” is neither right or wrong - it’s both, plus everything else that won’t be invited to either campground.

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Once Upon A Time Is A Time Bound Strategy - Grasshopper

Looking back can be a fun and sometimes be an eye opening experience. When it's your primary focus, your life is tied to the past and not moving forward. The only place you can free yourself from the inertia of the past is in the present.

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A Life Preserver: Hitting Rock Bottom - Grasshopper

My guess is the majority of people look on “rock bottom” as a negative experience. It’s my experience that a visit there is necessary to find the life that sits beneath our life story.

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To Become Less Judgemental, Become More Present - Grasshopper

In fact, we become less of anything we perceive as counterproductive when we notice our ability to be present.

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Reinvent Your Future By Not Recreating Your Past - Grasshopper

The future becomes a reflection of the past if you continue looking in a distorted mirror.

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Formula For Failure: Let Your Trust Rust - Grasshopper

Trust is the fertilizer for success in any endeavor. The mistake we make in our effort to succeed is confusing wishing with trusting.

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A Brainchild Springs Forth From A Pregnant Pause - Grasshopper

I was reading a friend's Facebook page the other day and he recounted this
question and answer that went between a father and daughter:
Daughter: "When is God's birthday?"
The father paused and then said, "Now."

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One Of Life’s Most Useful Skills Is To Embrace Chaos - Grasshopper

We swim upstream every time we make an effort to control or explain away reality. Life is chaos and our only chance for getting through it alive is to respond to that reality.

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Ask God For Directions, Not A Completed Mission - Grasshopper

Whomever you ask things of – a deity, your intellect or your creative self – ask for the tools rather than the shed. They will prove more useful for the trip ahead.

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Changing Your Response Is Easier Than Changing Your Life - Grasshopper

I find that many people are on a never ending quest to change their life, and their results are temporary at best. Changing how you respond to life provides lasting change.

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Our Priorities Are Dictated By Our Patterns - Grasshopper

Our stated priorities are routinely overshadowed by actions our patterned behaviors reveal about us.

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Reality Doesn’t Go In Reverse - Grasshopper

Life, like a friendly game of golf, doesn't give out "Mulligans" (Do-overs), but we pretend it does. This piece of personal illusion has us repeat our defeats and prevents us from moving forward.

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Life’s Second Lease is Peace - Grasshopper

Looking for a new lease on life? Most peoples’ experience of a new lease is a change of scenery where they wind up living out their old reality.

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Operation Unreal: Not Wanting To Feel - Grasshopper

Numbing what we don't want to feel has become our national pastime. We've picked our poison to do the trick, and we trick ourselves into thinking we've found a real solution.

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You Have To Know What Happiness Is In Order To Be Happy - Grasshopper

It seems to me that enough people are looking for something they wouldn’t recognize if they found it – Happiness. Happiness needs a reference.

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CHOICE: The Option Less Traveled - Grasshopper

“I had no choice” is a statement of mindset rather than a portrayal of reality. We always have a choice, but we rarely travel down that road.

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Conundrum: The Measure Of A Person Is Their Depth, Which Can’t Be Measured - Grasshopper

We can measure the depth of a well and we can even measure the depth of any ocean, but a person’s depth, though easily recognized, is like attempting to measure infinity.

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When There’s Nothing To Shoot For, You’ll Shoot Yourself In The Foot - Grasshopper

It takes some target practice to hit what you’re shooting for, but if you’re aimless, you can’t be held blameless for missing out on life.

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When We Hide, We Miss Being Alive - Grasshopper

What are you hiding behind? It’s a barrier between you and what you genuinely want.

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Acting On Headlines Will Make You Frown - Grasshopper

Too often we react to the surface material and neglect to dig deeper for a response.

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Q: Who Are You? A: The Awareness Beyond The Labels - Grasshopper

One of life’s certainties is that any label you accept or that adheres to you will limit you. When you recognize your awareness, the labels peel away and won’t stand in your way.


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“I Will” Doesn’t Equal “I Do” - Grasshopper

Intention and action come from two different places and as long as we have them confused, we stay in place.

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A Magic Bullet Is The One Not Shot - Grasshopper

There is a difference between catching ourselves just before we shoot off our mouth or right after.

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Creativity Is Quietly Quick - Grasshopper

You've heard the term "Burst of creativity," but have you ever considered what allows it to burst through?

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Control Is Fear Of Losing - Grasshopper

If you haven’t exhibited controlling behavior, you’re probably not human.  We all do it, but to what end?


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A Well Developed Life Is Like A Photograph - Grasshopper

Photographers have an expression they use: Light illuminates; shadows define. There would be no photograph without light and no appreciation of the light without shadows. That’s a metaphor for life.

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The Price Of Friendship Is Investment - Grasshopper

How invested are you in a relationship? Your answer will tell you the percentage of it working or not. Set-it-and-forget-it relationships ebb with the tide.

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Your Excuse Is Your Destiny - Grasshopper

We all make excuses but what we, too often, fail to notice is that we blueprint our destiny with each repetition.

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Your Future Is Happening Now - Grasshopper

It’s such an easy concept to understand, yet we continually forget that the future is being built in every moment.

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Dreaming Of Effort Keeps You Dreaming - Grasshopper

Two trains traveling on parallel tracks never meet – such is the case with dreaming and effort. They're never on the same track.

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Unexpressed Fear Will Express Itself - Grasshopper

I had one of those dreams last night. You know the kind . . . where you are about to be chased and eaten by a wooly mammoth. (OK, so your dream is a bit different, but what our dreams have in common is that sometimes they express our fears).

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You’ve Never Won An Argument With Your Mind - Grasshopper

Zero Sum: When one side completely wins and the other side completely loses – Winner Take All. Arguing with yourself is a Zero Sum Game.

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Let Your Past Outgrow You - Grasshopper

Lots of unsuccessful effort goes into putting our past behind us. That's because we treat our past with disrespect, which keeps it on the front burner.

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When You’re Out Of Ideas, Get Out Of Your Head - Grasshopper

We all get stuck in the same place every time, but we fail to pinpoint our geography and keep looking for answers covering the same ground.


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Discover Yourself In The Arc Of A Thought - Grasshopper

"Who Am I?" is a question we have all asked and there is only one answer, and it's only found in one place – in the arc of a thought.

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I See In You What I Don’t See In Me - Grasshopper

We can often see flaws in others that we miss in ourselves, but the opposite is equally true – I don’t see the good in me that I see in you.

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Reclaim Your Spirit And Take Aim On Living - Grasshopper

There is an animating spirit to all living things but we tend to forget about that source when it comes to living.

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For An Abundant Life, Asking Is Mandatory - Grasshopper

Here’s another book I’ll never write: “The Audacity of Asking.” But if I did, it would contain the main secret for getting what you want – Making Requests!

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Accepting Another’s Happiness Is A Prerequisite For You To Claim Yours - Grasshopper

I heard something years ago that has stuck with me - "Don't envy what someone has; emulate it." If someone else is happy, be happy for them because happiness is not a frequent visitor to any of us, and the sooner you feel it for them, the sooner you open up to it for you.

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No Justification Changes Reality - Grasshopper

How many ways do we attempt to justify reality? Let us count . . .

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We Speak To Give Voice To The Unspeakable - Grasshopper

Feelings can never be accurately portrayed in words, just as a photograph, no matter how beautiful, can ever match what you saw with your eyes.

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Life Gets Simpler When You Simplify - Grasshopper

I believe we take too many steps to get where we want to go; we rarely take the most direct route. That may be because of a lack of knowledge, bullheadedness or something else, but each of those pathways is a detour away from a simpler life.

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Your Resolve Is Your Bravest, Yet Weakest, Soldier - Grasshopper

It takes tremendous bravery to resolve to do something. The trouble is that resolve can only get you started; it always fades towards the finish and needs help from a stronger ally to complete its mission.

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Derision Is An Inferior Method of Supervision - Grasshopper

Derision may get you short-term results but it rarely gains you long-term respect.

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You Corner Yourself When You Paint With Reasons - Grasshopper

There are few things I know for sure and this is one of them: Keeping the accent on the reasons for behavior, keeps the behavior in place.

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Belief: An Idea You’ve Gotten Comfortable With - Grasshopper

It seems counter-intuitive that something we are so comfortable with can oftentimes cause us discomfort, but that’s the downside of beliefs.

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You Rent Until You “Buy In” And Own It - Grasshopper

Lip service is the tool of the renter. We can kid ourselves, sometimes for a lifetime, that what we are saying has deep roots, but the proof that it doesn’t is the absence of fruit.

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Notice: Resumes Are Not Filled With Things You Tried To Do - Grasshopper

You may not have put together a thumbnail sketch of your life yet, but when you do, what you tried will be on the cutting room floor.

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Living Is About What You’re Doing vs. What You’ve Done - Grasshopper

Our accomplishments can be hung on the wall, but trying to live off them will hang us out to dry.

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If I Can Only Help You Be Me, I Can’t Help You - Grasshopper

If I want to make you into my image and likeness, I am playing God in a very bad, off-Broadway production.

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You Truly Can’t Let Go Of Something Until You Let Go Of Everything - Grasshopper

The process of letting go is the same process as death, except that you live on.

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“I’ve Got Your Back” Is More Powerful Than “I Love You.” - Grasshopper

“I love you” is a phrase that doesn’t convey commitment. “I’ve got your back” is a promise that promises action.

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Excellence: Getting Better At What You’re Good At - Grasshopper

No need to get into an argument about who is the best at something; it results in an exercise of opposing opinions. Excellence is more easily agreed upon and more achievable.

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Your Special Invitation Arrives Every Day - Grasshopper

Everyday of our lives we are offered an invitation to experience something special, but the way we’ve been conditioned it only goes to our spam folder.

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“Let’s Pretend” Opens Up A Closed End - Grasshopper

One of the best phrases I ever learned was, “Let’s pretend.” Its ability to make us look past what “isn’t possible” is what gives it its power.

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Reality: A Belief Everyone Can Believe In - Grasshopper

If you have the ability to believe, boy do I have something you can believe in!

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First Impressions Last Until They Don’t - Grasshopper

I don't know who first said that first impressions are lasting, but they often go out the window when you give someone a second chance.

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Beliefs Are Paintings In Your Mind - Grasshopper

If you want to show someone the contents of your mind, put your beliefs on display. It's kinda' like your personal art show.

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Selfishness: Passing On Your Prejudice - Grasshopper

When you die, your prejudice dies along with you, unless you pass it on.

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Deception: Saying The Right Things From The Wrong Place - Grasshopper

The false front has been a human staple long before there was a Hollywood. The key is to recognize that you can’t live an authentic life reading someone else’s lines.

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Seeking Validation For The Way You Are Keeps You The Way You Are - Grasshopper

If we can find a reason for our shortcoming and get people to agree to it, we have formed a club that forms a wall of defense that keeps us sheltered from progress.

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Happiness Comes From You, Not To You - Grasshopper

Happiness and any other word that you can’t put into a wheelbarrow are internal experiences and not outside events.

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Helping Someone Into A Healing Frame Of Mind Heals A Part Of You - Grasshopper

Healing, by my definition, is helping someone into a frame of mind where healing can happen. You don’t need a formal education to be a healer, just the willingness to walk with someone until they discover the path.

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Embracing Reality Begins With An Atypical Response - Grasshopper

Railing against reality is the global pastime. We all do it; it's a matter of degrees. To warm up to reality a bit more, we need a different response.

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Peace Isn’t Selective - Grasshopper

There is this absurd notion that some people are singled out to get that which can't be purchased – Peace.

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Yes Is The “Piece De Resistance” For Overcoming Resistance - Grasshopper

“Yes” is not in our used vocabulary often enough. Too often we default to “No” and that leaves us nowhere to go.

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HOPE: Expanding The Frame Of Possibility - Grasshopper

When you offer someone hope, you are not handing them something tangible; you are expanding the frame through which they view their situation.

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Your Saving Grace: Be Present To Reality - Grasshopper

No one or no thing is going to save you. Stop waiting to be rescued. You are your own first responder. Respond to the moment you are in and your own resources will see you through.

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If You Cannot Support Someone’s Dream, Don’t Stand In Their Way - Grasshopper

We all have different dreams for our lives. As preferences would have it, we are often conditioned not to support a dream different than ours for someone close. That’s OK, but get out of their way or they will steamroll you.

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Is Or Isn’t Are The Only Choices - Grasshopper

Something either exists or it doesn't. If it does, it doesn't need our belief in it to sustain its existence.

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Reclaiming Our Depth Can’t Be Done In The Shallow End Of The Pool - Grasshopper

It seems counter-intuitive but, in life, we move from depth to superficial.
Getting back to our depth means giving up our "life preserver."

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Resistance Brings You Closer To The Things You Resist - Grasshopper

We've all heard what famed Swiss Psychologist, Carl Jung said: "What
you resist persists." What he didn't tell us is that it gets closer with each

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Whenever You Get Ahead Of Yourself, You’re Sure To Fall Behind - Grasshopper

You can't play the 18th hole of a golf course when you're on the 16th
fairway. If you mentally start something else, while in the middle of what you're currently doing, the present moment loses its biggest asset: Attention.

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Broaden Your World And Connect More Often - Grasshopper

I had my first, fresh fig this weekend. Generally, at my
age, people don't try something new, but boy am I glad I did. They are yummy.

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Successful Lives Are A Series Of Adjustments Rather Than Wholesale Changes - Grasshopper

When people tell me they want to change, they are usually looking at a LARGE mountain and rarely make it past the foothills. That's because change is too big a chunk; adjustments are bite-sized and more easily digested.

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Acting Like You’re Special Dims Your Specialness - Grasshopper

We are all unique and that alone makes us special. It's when we think we deserve special treatment that we cause our specialness to spoil.

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Pick The Fruits Of Your Labor Before They Die On The Vine - Grasshopper

Today is Labor Day in The USA, a day to honor the worker. We do anything but and dishonor our toil when we idly standby and let our efforts perish.

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Life Without Pauses Is An Ongoing Train Wreck - Grasshopper

How often do we forget to pause? It's the main reason we run into so many walls, again.

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“It Should Be The Way It’s Not” Is The Strongest Glue You’ll Step Into - Grasshopper

The easiest way to get stuck is to step into a pile of "should." It's also the most preventable.

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When You Only Cite, What You Are Saying Comes Across As Trite - Grasshopper

I love a good quote and, like you, I have my favorites. Where a red flag goes up is when I experience someone who is forever telling me what someone else said. They may as well say, “My creativity is dead.”

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Reflection Is Different Than Thinking Things Over - Grasshopper

“Thinking things over” means you go over and over the same territory; reflection offers an exit strategy to a remedy.

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Are You “At Fault” Or Are You “Responsible”? - Grasshopper

I believe we benefit greatly by making a distinction between "it's my fault" and "I'm responsible."

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End The Debate Before Your Life Ends - Grasshopper

The debate you're involved in will still go on long after you're no longer involved, in fact, forever.

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Ah-Ha Moments Without Action Become What Ifs - Grasshopper

Have you ever been struck with a realization and didn’t realize any result? No need to raise your hand; we all have.

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Are You Experiencing YOU Or Just Reporting on YOU? - Grasshopper

YOU are much deeper than your name, rank and serial number. YOU can't be quantified, only experienced. The question is: Do you want to write a book report or have the experience itself?

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Curiosity Solves Life’s Puzzles - Grasshopper

"What are my options?" is a question I don't believe we ask enough. My guess is we don't ask because we think there aren't any, or that, if there are, there is no option that would work. Remaining stuck is the result of not asking.

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Your Mind Can Only Suggest Action, Not Take It - Grasshopper

Here's my claim: The longer you think about it, the less likely you are to do it. It's tough to talk yourself into your walk.

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You Find What You Bring With You - Grasshopper

Have you ever gone out to eat with someone who finds fault with every restaurant you go to? They were upset before they arrived and are hard pressed to see it's not the bill of fare that has, as my sainted mother said, "their ass in an uproar."

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Last In Line Won’t Last - Grasshopper

Priorities on the bottom of your list should be called something else, because they're anything but.

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Reasons Don’t Get You A Re-Do - Grasshopper

Reasons are justifications in another suit of clothes, especially when we make less than productive choices. They are often attempts at explanations to absolve us of responsibility for behavior. Notice how often you use reasons when you want a second chance.

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Positions Need to Become Porous to Become Options - Grasshopper

Do you have a position on something? Who doesn’t? What may not be as readily apparent is how inflexible we become when our positions are solid.

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Beliefs Get Results - Grasshopper

Before you go and put The Grasshopper’s words on a bumper sticker, let me caution you that you may not like the results.

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Pick One: Be Right or Be Happy - Grasshopper

Lots of us have an investment in being right. I just wonder if we ever did the arithmetic on how much happiness it costs us.

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I Doesn’t Need To Improve - Grasshopper

Before you hop on The Grasshopper for poor English, let me interpret what he means by “I.”

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Sleeping Lies Will Dog You - Grasshopper

“Everybody Lies” claimed my favorite TV doctor – Gregory House. What he didn’t tell us is that our trail of lies leaves a scent, and leaves us open to hounding from within and without.

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How Useful is Your Lie? - Grasshopper

What do you know for sure that you’re not so sure about? Is there something you spout as “Truth” that you may be unknowingly lying about? Perhaps it’s time to separate truth from usefulness.

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Pursuit is the Path to Fulfillment - Grasshopper

Getting what you're going after pales in comparison to the feeling that pursuit delivers. The destination seems anti-climactic when measured against the fulfillment that pursuit brings.

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What Do You Want? It’s a Feeling - Grasshopper

We all want something. What we may not realize is that we're not really after the something; we're after the feeling.

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Who Can Be On Your Island? - Grasshopper

For years I’ve used the expression, “You can be on my island” with people I’ve worked with. I used the phrase as a compliment, but wasn’t totally sure until recently what I meant by it.

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Importance Only Exists In Our Mind - Grasshopper

How many things are important? I'm sure you have a list. But did you ever stop to consider that importance doesn't exist. It's something we made up.

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An Original Thought Can’t be Bought - Grasshopper

It seems odd that a clichéd phrase was once an original thought. But notice how something novel gets worn and tired when we repetitively attempt to get others to buy into it being the only way.

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If You Want Something Conditionally, There’s A Good Chance You Don’t Really Want It - Grasshopper

I have often claimed that if I can't have a BIG boat, then I don't want one. What was I really communicating by my BIG condition? - That I don't believe I'll ever have one.

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Life’s Biggest Cop Out: I’m Not Responsible For Me - Grasshopper

The truth is: We're always able to respond. We just keep picking the response that says we're not responsible.

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Meaning Is Meaningless - Grasshopper

Often when people tell me what they want, I ask a follow-up question like: "What will that do for you?" If their answer has any form of the phrase "that means" in it, they will often be disappointed even if they achieve their goal.

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Ripening Is A Reality; Time Is A Concept - Grasshopper

We are all aging. You can take that to the bank. “Age is just a number” we’ve often heard said. Yet, too many have become focused on how many minutes they’ve been alive or how many they have left until they’re dead.

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Notice Your Reactions And You’ll Notice Your Patterns - Grasshopper

We are all creatures of habit and no more is that so than when we are reacting.

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If You Can’t Count On Yourself, You Can’t Count On Anyone - Grasshopper

Are you counting on someone to come through for you? It could be a long wait, especially if you can’t be counted on.

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Reasons Are Refutable - Grasshopper

Are you in the habit of giving reasons for your behavior? The un-refuted truth is that most of your reasons have an infinite amount of counterarguments which, when played out, lead to a life of arguing.

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Judgements Don’t Change Things - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that the amount of judgements we have that result in change are almost nonexistent? 

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There’s A Difference Between “Beware” And “Be Aware” - Grasshopper

Beware is always a warning; be aware is always a revelation.

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When Conversation Turns Into Competition, You No Longer Have Communication - Grasshopper

Make no mistake; tit for tat is always combat.

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Growing Up Is Outgrowing Your Conditioning - Grasshopper

How badly we want to defend our conditioning is a barometer on how immature we are.

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Peace Can Be Found In The Land That Doesn’t Matter - Grasshopper

There’s a place where dustups don’t exist. It’s “The Land That Doesn’t Matter.”

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Simple And Easy Are Not Synonyms - Grasshopper

The best example is the game of golf – It’s simple but not easy – simple to understand, not so easy to play. Ask any golfer.

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Situations Become Problems When We Think Too Much - Grasshopper

I wonder how many times we’ve labeled a situation a problem and elongated the time it took to come up with a solution.

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Success Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone - Grasshopper

It's my experience that marginal results come from staying inside our zone of comfort. If you claim you want success, you can't refrain from moving towards the edge.

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You’ll Find Most Complaints At The Intersection Of ‘Should’ and ‘Is’ - Grasshopper

We all have complaints and some of them have extraordinary merit, yet most of them are avoidable accidents, if we notice.

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The Need To Be Right Keeps Us Disagreeable - Grasshopper

As far as I can tell, being right is the biggest impediment to arriving at agreement.

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Heeding Heads You Home - Grasshopper

What's the one piece of advice you need to heed? You may have heard it all your life but actually putting it to use fulfills the promise.

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Clarity: Getting The Answer To The Question You Don’t Want To Ask - Grasshopper

Amazing the things we don't ask about that would make a situation crystal clear instead of having to rely on a crystal ball.

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“Don’t Want” Is A Difficult Target To Hit - Grasshopper

If you pay careful attention to your language when expressing your desires, you’re likely to notice that you too often give voice to what you don’t want rather than what you do want. That’s a fuzzy target.

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Unintended Consequences Are Still Consequences - Grasshopper

"I didn't mean for that to happen"doesn't remove the consequence. It may mitigate it in our mind but it won't make it disappear.

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The Only People Who Don’t Get Second Chances Died Taking The First One - Grasshopper

I guess that’s The Grasshopper’s peculiar way of saying, “If you’re drawing breath, you still have an opportunity at a second chance.”

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Conditioning Is King - Grasshopper

I had the good fortune of attending two family reunions over the weekend. What fun and what insight. It’s absolutely amazing to see the role conditioning has played in forming whom we’ve come to be.

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We Dislike People Most Who Have Imperfections We Pretend We Don’t Have - Grasshopper

There are no perfect people, yet we pretend we’re one of them when we deny our imperfections.

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Bring The Party Or Remain A Disappointed Guest - Grasshopper

I can’t tell you the exact moment of realization, but it was many years ago when I discovered that waiting for the party to happen keeps you waiting.

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Vibrant Life Requires Improv - Grasshopper

Want to improve your life? Apply improv.

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Getting Attention Requires Doing Something; Capturing Attention Requires Giving Something - Grasshopper

There is a large difference between getting and capturing attention. The difference lies between give and take.

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What’s The One Thing That Changed Your Life For The Better? - Grasshopper

It’s out of character for The Grasshopper to ask a question but this one is so worthy of reflection.

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People Are Who They Are, Not Who We Want Them to Be - Grasshopper

How much time have you wasted wanting someone to be who they aren’t?

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Inspired Teachings Don’t Come With Rules - Grasshopper

You won’t 1-2-3 yourself to inspiration; it doesn’t come in an orderly fashion.

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An Underlying Agenda Keeps You Lying - Grasshopper

When something is different below decks than it is above, we commonly lie. The rub is this: Surface lip service only works for so long before what we’re hiding is exposed.

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Hypocrisy: It’s Just A Matter Of Degree - Grasshopper

I can’t say with certainty that “everyone is a hypocrite,” but I want to.

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Echoes Are Exponential - Grasshopper

What you do comes back to you, in spades.

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Loose Ends Are The Weakest Links - Grasshopper

The old axiom is: "You are only as strong as your weakest link." If you are having trouble finding that link, look no further than something you've neglected to tie up.

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Discernment Gives Way To Judgement When Preferences Turn Into Prejudices - Grasshopper

This bon mot from The Grasshopper is like an Australian Backscratcher – it gets way “down under.”

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Hindsight Is Rarely 20-20 - Grasshopper

Hindsight is foggy, made opaque by a memory that’s tinted with rose-colored “specks.”

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Make The Stamp Of Approval Stick - Grasshopper

Some of us may want to be on a postage stamp but most of us just want a stamp of approval.

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Calendar: Timer Or Planner? - Grasshopper

How do you use a calendar? It makes all the difference in your quality of life.

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Absolute Truth Is Made Up Of Infinite Versions - Grasshopper

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “your version of the truth,” but do you know what comprises absolute truth? I believe I can explain.

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The One Thing To Know For Sure Is That Nothing Is A Sure Thing - Grasshopper

We all get into “set and forget”mode with many things. It’s useful that we don’t have to figure out how to turn a doorknob each time we encounter one; it’s less than useful to be certain about something that can’t be known for sure.

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Talk Turkey Without The Trimmings - Grasshopper

Turkey, by itself, will not make you fat; all the trimmings will. Trimming the fat from your “Turkey Talk”indicates your willingness and seriousness in pursuing a solution.

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Are you sending out an S.O.S.? - Grasshopper

Seems we all send out some sort of signal when we need help, even though we may not know we're transmitting.

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Tough Questions Lead To Real World Answers - Grasshopper

Most of us are not conditioned to ask tough questions. "It's just not done in a polite society," may be the message you were weaned on, but that's often a bad formula when you need an actionable answer.

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Freedom Results When Something Gives You Up - Grasshopper

I suspect we have it backwards. We think we have to give things up to get freedom from them. I find the opposite to be more realistic.

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Addiction Is Another Word for Craving - Grasshopper

Addiction is a myth. If you were really addicted to something, you could never outgrow it. You would stay in its clutches forever.

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Married To Misery Demands Divorce - Grasshopper

You can't just separate from your misery; you need a clean break. "Married to Misery" is being married to the thoughts in your mind and the story on your lips.

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Are You Getting Happy To Numb Unhappiness? - Grasshopper

Like you, I've known my fair share of drunks. When I'm around them, it's not a happy experience for me and even less so for them.

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Destiny Is A Dodge - Grasshopper

The dodge referred to is not a mid size sedan but an excuse to explain our current lot in life.

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Knowing Is Not Found In Books - Grasshopper

What do you know? That’s what people put in books, magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc. – what they know or think they know. But knowing can’t be contained on a page.

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You’re Eventually Going To Leave Your Problems Behind; So Consider Now - Grasshopper

I've stated it before but it bears repeating: Dead people don't have problems.

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Are You Apathetically Empathetic? - Grasshopper

The question almost seems like a contradiction in terms – Apathetic: “Don’t care,” Empathetic: “Feeling another’s pain

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Guilt Isn’t A Thing; It’s A Pattern Of Thinking - Grasshopper

How guilty can you feel? You didn't have to be brought up by a Jewish mother or raised Catholic to answer. We all feel guilt. And although it's a noun, it's not a thing.

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Hope is Hopeless - Grasshopper

Fernando Flores once said, “Hope is the raw material for losers.” My definition isn’t as harsh but just as hopeless. “Hope is the salve we put on our feelings while we’re waiting for reality to render its result.”

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Expectation vs. Entitlement - Grasshopper

It occurred to me recently that expectation and entitlement are intertwined but with a huge difference.

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Increase Your Peace Of Mind By Making Your Regrets Reflections - Grasshopper

There is a powerful tool that came out of the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) called reframing. It's the process of shifting your focus to a more advantageous interpretation.

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The Permanence Of Impermanence - Grasshopper

Impermanence is everywhere at all times – kinda’ like dog poo.  But like animal droppings, we get fixated on impermanence to the exclusion of everything else that smells better.

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A Reactive Mind Will Remain In The Dark - Grasshopper

As long as our reactions remain patterned, there's no room for anything new to shine through.

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Reality Has No Brakes - Grasshopper

I hate to be the one who breaks the news but there is no stopping reality. No matter how hard you try or how hard you pray, there is no stopping night from becoming day.

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Does Kindness Work? - Grasshopper

It’s one thing to realize that kindness works. It’s another thing to practice kindness so that you can feel it working.

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Applying The Brakes Too Soon Wears You Down - Grasshopper

How easy is it to say “No”? By doing so, we are wary before wary becomes necessary and overuse our stopping mechanism preventing us from seeing new vistas.

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Is There Order In Chaos? - Grasshopper

Seems to me that we can’t have it both ways: there being an order to the universe, yet chaos within that order.

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Answers Begin With Questions - Grasshopper

In a world looking for answers, I believe we too often overlook the key to answers: Questions!

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You Can’t Download When Your Drive Is Full - Grasshopper

This isn’t about computers, but rather inspiration.

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Insight Is Absent Of Thinking - Grasshopper

I'm wondering how many times we've said we want to think it over, not knowing that thinking will never produce the insight we're looking for.

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Every Mess Is Not Yours To Clean Up - Grasshopper

At the market yesterday, I saw a package of flour tortilla shells on the floor. Apparently someone dropped them. My normal inclination would be to pick them up - but not this time.

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"Because" Justifies; It Doesn’t Explain - Grasshopper

If there is one word worthy of being retired, it's "because."

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Life Is An Event - Grasshopper

Notice that life starts as a “blessed event.” For many, events stop after that.

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Doing Good Doesn’t Guarantee A Long Life; It Only Insures A Life Of Feeling Good - Grasshopper

I watched the funeral of Beau Biden this weekend and was taken with how he was viewed by such a cross section of people: a good person who did good.

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When You Stop And Notice The Spaces Between The Noise, That’s When You Recognize Life’s Creative Force - Grasshopper

When you stop and think about it, every noise comes out of a void. It wasn’t there and then it was. And then it goes back to where it came from.

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Anything Is More Probable If You Go After The Impossible - Grasshopper

We usually hear it in a different way: All things are possible but not all things are probable.

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You Can’t Lose Something You Didn’t Have - Grasshopper

I often hear people talk about things they lost that they didn't have. "Because that deal didn't go through, I lost a lot of money." More accurately, you didn't make the money. You didn't lose it because it was never in your pocket.

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An Invitation To Live Is Issued When You Realize That Life Will Go On Without You - Grasshopper

My apologies to anyone counting on reincarnation but my sense is this is our one go-round inviting us to live now.

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If Arguing About The Cause Will Fix The Problem, Let’s Argue - Grasshopper

“A” causes “B” will be argued about until eternity, and the problem will go unchecked for a lifetime.

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Perpetual Anger Is A Death Sentence - Grasshopper

Who hasn’t been angry? We’ve all experienced the feeling we call anger but have we noticed the damage it causes when it’s our constant state?

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Silent Listening - A Way To Peace - Grasshopper

Here's a meditation I use when doing other things, like walking our dog. I listen for the silence noises leave behind.

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The Escape Hatch From Your Life’s Story Is Presence - Grasshopper

What is presence and how does it help you escape?

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You’ll Run Out Of Breath Before You Run Out Of Excuses - Grasshopper

Have you ever noticed that excuses are never ending? The antithesis of personal culpability comes in the form of an excuse, the constant issuance of which will leave you breathless.

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Leave Magical Thinking At The Children’s Birthday Party - Grasshopper

Magical thinking is the brand of pap that suggests all you have to do is “Conceive it and  Believe it” to make it happen.

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Change Is Constant But Seems To Come In Waves - Grasshopper

The Greek Philosopher Heraclitus told us, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Yet, there are many things that seem constantly stationary and only appear to change in waves. Do you believe Heraclitus or your own lyin’ eyes?

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The Problem And The Solution Are Both Right Now - Grasshopper

Problems caused in the past are not still in the past. If they haven’t been addressed, they’re problems now.

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Mindset Migration Is More Than Alliteration - Grasshopper

A mindset is a pattern of thinking. We are capable of having a different patterned reaction to the same stimulus, which proves we have the capability to migrate from one mindset to another.

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Attitude Is An Angle Of Approach - Grasshopper

In aeronautical terms, "attitude" is an angle of approach. With what attitude are you approaching life?

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Seek Acceptance Rather Than Answers - Grasshopper

I’m watching a friend emotionally struggle as he looks for answers. There is no answer that will be acceptable to him, but that doesn’t stop his or our search.

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Life And Depth - Grasshopper

For some, contemplating entering depth seems like death and, in a way, it is.

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Certain: Knowing Without Any Facts - Grasshopper

For me, being certain is often devoid of any facts. I don't think I'm alone.

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Is Your Toner Running Low? - Grasshopper

Anyone who's operated a copy machine can attest to being there when the toner cartridge was low. Their prints were not as sharp and defined as they were with the proper amount of toner.

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You’ll Never Be Able To Describe You - Grasshopper

How much of your life have you spent trying to figure out and describe who you are? For most, it goes on for a lifetime.

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To Create: Begin & Wait - Grasshopper

We've all experienced being creative but we traditionally don't know how to recreate that experience.

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If Your Path To The Future Is The Same One You’ve Been On, You Have Your Future Now. - Grasshopper

The old adage that “tomorrow is promised to no one” only suggests the possibility that you may not be around tomorrow. If you happen to make it until tomorrow, the promise is this: Your future won’t be any different if the path you’re on is the same.

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Oxymoron: A Leader With No Followers - Grasshopper

It does takes more than followers to be a leader. It takes initiative, a clear vision and the ability to communicate intrinsic enthusiasm. Once you have those qualities in place, followers will find you.

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You Can Know What You Don’t Know - Grasshopper

The headline seems rather “riddle-ee” or like a conundrum, but not knowing is much deeper than that.

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Allow Yourself To Feel; It’s A License To Live - Grasshopper

How many feelings do we attempt to chase away rather than give them the time of day?

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If You’re Not Interested In The Answer, Don’t Ask The Question - Grasshopper

How many “make conversation” questions do we ask? More importantly, how often do we tune out when getting the answer?  One of the biggest impediments to communication I’ve observed is the lack of paying attention to those we interact with.

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You Don’t Need Any Spiritual Training - Grasshopper

Seems like we need a manual to get through life: "5-Steps to This," "7-Steps to That." We continually seek training for our conscious journey but there is no training necessary in the spiritual realm. You just have to get there.

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Celebrate Even When Skies Are Cloudy - Grasshopper

Anyone seeking perpetual blue skies is caught in a marketer’s daydream.

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Doubting Your Light Is Dousing Your Light - Grasshopper

We all have light to shine but most of us occlude it by casting shadows of doubt on its existence.

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Life’s Immutable Truth: You Can Only Be Where You Are - Grasshopper

How many fights have you had with yourself about where you are or, more specifically, where you should be? Have you noticed that you always lose that fight?

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Enough Is A Mindset, Not A Quantity - Grasshopper

My friend Jerry Stocking reminded me of the concept of “enough” when I read an article he wrote in the Huffington Post. His eye-opening piece referenced “enough money.”

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Que Sera, Sera Is A Hands-Off Philosophy - Grasshopper

The lyrics from the song QUE SERA, SERA assert "whatever will be, will be" without ever considering our input in determining our future.

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Beliefs: Your Strongest And Weakest Suit - Grasshopper

It may be hard to believe but our beliefs strengthen our resolve and weaken our ability to learn.

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You Can’t Take The Next Step Until You Take This One - Grasshopper

We all experience changes in our lives – some are desired, many are not. When we get to the juncture of change, we often ask, “What’s next?” It seems the more actionable question is: “What now?”

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Are You Here Or There? The Answer Determines The Quality Of Your Life - Grasshopper

Where do you spend most of your day – here or there? Here keeps you in touch with reality; there takes you off into illusion.

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The Next Time You Make An Argument, Notice If You’re Arguing - Grasshopper

Socrates believed the first step to knowledge was recognizing our own ignorance. Are you ignoring the premise that arguing is an ignorant way of engaging with others?

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Hiding From The Fear of Human Conditioning - Grasshopper

I am a world-class hider. I've come to realize that everyday human actions scare me to death and I default to pulling the covers over my head.

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Retire From Being A Liar - Grasshopper

How many lies do we tell? Let’s be kind and say there’s not been a calculator invented that can count that high.

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Taking The Next Step Is Difficult When You Don’t Know The Step You’re On Now - Grasshopper

Looking to make your next move? Odds are it won’t be fruitful if you step off from a place you’re not.

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“Deserve” Is Just Another Way To Try And Explain Away Reality - Grasshopper

One of my claims is the notion of "Deserve" doesn't exist in reality. We made it up and it lets us down.

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It Takes More Energy To Hate Than It Does To Love - Grasshopper

Love, at base, is who we are; it’s effortless. Hate has to be worked at continuously to keep it in place.

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You’re Smarter Than Your Thinking - Grasshopper

You’re not as smart as you think; you’re smarter.

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Decommissioning Your Conditioning - Grasshopper

We've all been conditioned. The result is our patterns – our conditioned way of doing things.

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We Continually Put A Stop To What Isn’t Going For Us - Grasshopper

What do you think you have going for you? Can you validate it past your own opinion? If not, you won't be able to stop heading into the familiar wall you've crashed into before.

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Exceptional, Without Exception, Requires More Effort Than Most Of Us Are Willing To Make - Grasshopper

Do you know someone who's exceptional at something? One thing about these folks seems abundantly clear to me:  They love and are committed to whatever they excel at.

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Being Upset With Upsets Is Upsetting - Grasshopper

It dawned on me recently that most of my upsets are the result of me being upset that the universe is not bending to my whims.  What a revelation!

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Lonely Is a Sensation - Grasshopper

Alone is an actual set of circumstances; lonely is a concept we made up to explain the sensation that we feel.

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True: What You Do - Grasshopper

I’ve had a hard time with the word “truth” for a long time. Based on my experience, “truth” had too many interpretations, like “my truth,” “your truth” and that old standby “it’s the truth.”

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Too Big To Handle A Small Request - Grasshopper

I have no evidence to back this up but it seems to me the beginning of the end happens when we become too big to handle a small request.

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A More Active Life Leads To More Happy Accidents - Grasshopper

I’ve always liked the word “serendipity” but never knew its origin. It comes from the fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip where the three princes were making accidental discoveries while they were in search of something else.

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It Doesn’t Come When You Say So; You Say So When It Comes - Grasshopper

There are so many applications for this observation from The Grasshopper, but probably none bigger than when addressing the topic of forgiveness.

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Options Create Choice - Grasshopper

Seems the most limiting thing I do with myself is limit my options. I suspect I’m not alone.

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Brilliance Is Not A Surface Quality - Grasshopper

Our brilliance may show on the surface but its origin is much deeper.

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For More Agreement, Abandon The Labels And Stick With The Facts - Grasshopper

It seems that labeling someone just gets people to line up on opposing sides of the definition.

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Not Knowing What You Don’t Know Won’t Allow You To Grow. - Grasshopper

I don’t want you to go cold on me but I’m about to use the overused “Iceberg” analogy. Most of what we don’t know lives below the surface. To stop crashing into things, we have to become aware that they are there.

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Waiting To Live Or Waiting To Die Is The Same Wait - Grasshopper

What are we waiting for? The answer seems to be something in the future. Yet both waiting and the future are mental constructs. Neither actually exists right now.

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Argument Has Not Left Town- A Cause To Frown - Grasshopper

Do you like to argue? You will not find me in your company for long, or as a counter to your point. Argument, from my vantage point, is pointless.

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Patience Leads To Poise - Grasshopper

My computer dictionary defines poise as “a state of balance or equilibrium.” A person with poise appears to me to be quite balanced and seems quite comfortable in their own skin.

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Irritation Precedes Creation - Grasshopper

Look no further than the oyster. Beautiful pearls are created by the irritation the sand produces inside the manufacturing mollusks.

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Dark Doesn’t Turn Bright Without Light - Grasshopper

If you have made it through a dark night of the soul, you can attest that it was a light that shone which showed you the escape route.

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Notice What You Don’t Notice - Grasshopper

My notion is that we are considered to be who we are by others by the conditioning they observe in us. That’s only a partial picture. We are more than our conditioning.

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Anytime You Begin, You Tap Inspiration On The Shoulder - Grasshopper

Are you waiting for inspiration? There's no need to wait. Inspiration is always on the heels of beginning.

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Potential Is An Empty Promise - Grasshopper

The seed needs the soil otherwise you only possess the downside of potential.

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Judgements Are Made Up, Not Real - Grasshopper

Judgements are always made up – in our mind.

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Here We Are - Grasshopper

It seems most of our life we make arguments against being where we are. We rarely stop and notice, or acknowledge, our current location. This lack of admission causes all sorts of false starts and continued frustration.

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It Will If I Let It - Grasshopper

Has anyone ever commented on a situation you were in by saying, “That must drive you nuts”? The revealing answer to that observation is: “It will if I let it.”

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You Earn What You Deserve - Grasshopper

Even though "deserve" has better PR, "earn" will get you more of what you believe you're deserving of.

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Dreaming: The Passport To Tomorrow - Grasshopper

I'm an advocate for living in the moment as long as the moment allows for some dreaming about tomorrow.

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Self-Pity Is A Worn Out Ditty - Grasshopper

When we engage in self-pity, we are, as we used to say in radio, "a one hit wonder." We keep singing the same song that got us attention.

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Reach Often And Multiply - Grasshopper

There is an advertising maxim that stands the test of time: Reach & Frequency. Reach represents the number of people in your audience and Frequency signifies how often your message is seen or heard by them.

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Capture The Essence - Grasshopper

I believe we are mainly caught up with the wrong objective, namely “figuring it out.” It seems to me more experiential and rewarding to capture the essence.

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Self Investment Is Deceiving - Grasshopper

The amount of people invested in who they’re not is not only deceiving, but limiting.

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Being A ‘Know-it-All’ Makes You Hopelessly Helpless - Grasshopper

If you "know" all the answers and still have a problem, you know very little.

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Playing The Odds Insures Your Life’s Results Remain at 50-50 - Grasshopper

If you never take a gamble, going forward you can count on your results being roughly the same as they’ve been in the past.

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Our Personal Baggage: We’re Over-Packed For The Trip Of Life - Grasshopper

Over the years I have been fond of labeling someone I couldn’t cozy up to as having too much baggage. That meant they had too many obstacles in the way of me getting closer to them.

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Success Is A Contact Sport - Grasshopper

Contact in this context is reaching out.

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Creativity Comes From Nowhere - Grasshopper

"He's a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land" is how The Beatles characterized a marginal character. Truth be told, a "Nowhere Man (Woman)" lives outside the margins.

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The Thinner Your Skin, The Larger Your Ego - Grasshopper

We all hold an image of who we are. What we don’t realize is that it’s a false god. Your image is not you, no more than your breath is you.  Both are byproducts of our human existence but they are not you.

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Misery: Staying In Your Head - Grasshopper

There's no denying it. Misery is a head-trip – one we can end before it begins.

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Denial: Doubling Down On Dumb - Grasshopper

“Denial” and “Defensive” go hand-in-hand and they grab on to the lamest justifications one can imagine.

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A Little Guilt Is Good - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper’s complete quote was, “A little guilt is good if it spurs you to right a wrong.”

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I Don’t Know More; I’ve Just Experienced More - Grasshopper

We've all given advice, some solicited, most not.  I've come to learn it's better to be asked. And when delivering that requested advice, I find it more productive to come from the angle of experience rather than a position of your superior knowledge.

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Resolve To Evolve - Grasshopper

It’s been my experience that relatively few people, if any, change. I do find that people can evolve.

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The Pièce De Résistance In Life Is Letting Go Of Resistance - Grasshopper

Once you master this piece, you experience much less opposition to what is and relieve yourself of one of life's biggest tensions.

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Are You Starving At The Buffet? - Grasshopper

Seems we all have been deluded that there's not enough to go around. The biblical metaphor of the loaves and fishes shines a light on our limited thinking and opens us to the possibility of abundant options.

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“Should” Keeps You In Your Head; “Action” Puts You Into Your Body - Grasshopper

Abe Lincoln told us that actions speak louder than words, but I don’t think he knew the side benefit of his assertion: The quieting of the mind.

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What’s Popular Is Often Diversionary And Ineffective - Grasshopper

Do you remember the "Mood Ring"? It was a 1970s phenomenon: a ring with a stone that changed color based upon the temperature of the finger of the wearer. According to Wikipedia, most rings came with a color chart indicating the supposed mood of the wearer based upon the colors indicated on the ring.

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It’s Not Advice, It’s Input - Grasshopper

I stopped giving advice a number of years ago because it too often seemed to fall on those who couldn't hear. Then I discovered input.

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Re-Act vs. Create - Grasshopper

There are some actors that have one speed (Think Steven Seagal). That means they can only play one type of role. They re-act their previous role in every subsequent film they do. We are just like those uncreative actors every time we give the same response to a given stimulus.

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The Silent Motivator: What You Don’t Know - Grasshopper

"You don't know what you don't know" doesn't mean you can't know.

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You’re Not Going To Figure Out The Unknown By Debating. - Grasshopper

Debating contains "known" positions. The unknown hasn't positioned itself yet.

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Hidden Resources Bring You Out Of Hiding - Grasshopper

I’ve always been at a loss when people ask me what I do. I could reply “hypnotist” or “people helper” or “seminar leader” or use some other term that doesn’t quite hit the mark.

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Trapped By Your Religion - Grasshopper

Even atheists are trapped by their religion.  They may not believe in God but they do believe in something.

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Who Has The Life That You Want? - Grasshopper

Seems the global pastime is wanting a life other than the one we have. That's a life draining, never-ending trail of disappointment.


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You’ll Never ‘Get Over’ Something That’s Under Wraps - Grasshopper

We’ve all been told to “get over it.” It’s a directive without directions.

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The Gems Are Inside The Doggie Diamonds - Grasshopper

My Father had a euphemistic phrase for dog poop. He called it “Doggie Diamonds,” as in “Don’t step in the doggie diamonds.”

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My Life Is . . . - Grasshopper

What is your life doing? It's doing something that's apart from your head – or what you think it's doing.

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Change Your Behavior And Your Thoughts Will Change, Not The Other Way Around - Grasshopper

Seems we have it Bass Ackwards: "Change your thoughts and change your life" is one of the maxims we are offered. I believe that's an accurate statement, but it omits the step that precedes thought change: BEHAVIOR CHANGE.

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Act In Your Own Best Interest - Grasshopper

It’s in our own best interest to act. Too often we muse and refuse, and by doing so our best interests are put on hold.

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Cultivate Real Friends - Grasshopper

Friendship has taken on a much looser meaning in the digital age. Social media "friends" for the most part are acquaintances. That's not a bad thing unless you expect them to be there for you.

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Action Diffuses Debate - Grasshopper

This note is a first cousin to one of The Grasshopper’s most popular messages: Doing Diffuses Fear.

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Selflessness Leads You To Your Self - Grasshopper

You have to lose your “self” in order to find your self.

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Selflessness Leads You To Your Self - Grasshopper

You have to lose your “self” in order to find your self.

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In An Effort To Not Disappoint, We Disappoint - Grasshopper

Are you accommodating someone by telling them what you think they want to hear? Welcome to “Harry’s Used Car Lot.”

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Try Not To Try - Grasshopper

Few things are as counter-productive as trying. Have you ever had the occasion where you or someone else was "trying too hard"? That's a trying experience – one that is best to outgrow.

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Doing Your Best Is Not Enough - Grasshopper

“Everyone does their best” is a notion I had a hard time buying into. But experience has sold me.

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Turn The Tables - Grasshopper

 It seems to me that the phrase “Turn the tables” is an updated version of “Love thy neighbor.”

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Lying Is A Protective Measure - Grasshopper

TV doctor Gregory House told us "everybody lies." What he didn't tell us was the rest of the story.

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You Can’t Talk About What You Wonder About - Grasshopper

It’s too easy to blame it on a politically correct culture, but there are some things that are just not said that are often wondered about. I find that to be a bankrupting of creativity.

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You’re Not Going To Like This - Grasshopper

Most people rail against this fact of life: You’re not who you profess to be.

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Stop Running And Start Moving - Grasshopper

Looking to give emotional pain the runaround? Stop running and start moving.

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Guilt Moves In Slow Motion - Grasshopper

I was talking with a friend the other day when she told me a story about her childhood. She was at the dinner table holding her baby brother when her mother poured soup in her bowl. The little brother in a flash reached for the bowl and scalded himself with the soup.

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The One Thing Is No Thing - Grasshopper

Are you forever on the lookout for the “one thing” – the one thing that’s going to change your life? You’re not alone. I’m sorry to be the one to break the news but the one thing is a fictitious thing.

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Does The Loudest One Win? - Grasshopper

I was talking to my friend Hali the other day and we were discussing people changing. I told her my friend Paul says that people don’t change. I also told her I agreed with that but I do believe they can evolve. She then squarely gobsmacked me with this: “You either evolve or you get louder.”

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Is Patience Really Persistence? - Grasshopper

Don’t you have to be persistent to be patient? I think they are opposite sides of the same coin.

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It’s Easy To Hate - Grasshopper

The road to hatred is an easy walk. All you have to do is follow a bunch of angry, unhappy people and you’ll get there with ease.

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Where Parallel Lines Meet - Grasshopper

We learned in geometry that parallel lines never meet. I submit they do. They meet in infinity.

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Even Toothless Dogs Bite - Grasshopper

Biting is something that we’re capable of doing, but when it’s a lifestyle, it will come bite you in the ass.

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Life Is In You, Not Something You Pursue - Grasshopper

Improving your life is an inside out proposition, not the other way around.

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Words Trigger Experience - Grasshopper

What’s the powerful aspect of a gun? Is it the hammer, the barrel, the trigger or the bullet?

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The Math Of Life - Grasshopper

The "Math of Life" is simple but not always easy.

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Why Doesn’t Matter - Grasshopper

Here’s one of life’s secrets: If you’re the giver or receiver of “Why,” it doesn’t matter.

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Seek The Light - Grasshopper

I am amazed anytime I notice a plant seeking the light. It’s its catalyst for growth.

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The Path Forward - Grasshopper

There is a path to follow to discover how we got to where we are.

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Are You OK? - Grasshopper

Intellectual arguments keep you in the same place: Your head.

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How Does A Dream Die? - Grasshopper

The answer is, “I don’t know,” but I do have a suspicion.

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Explaining WHY Until You Die - Grasshopper

Explaining ourselves seems to be a way of life, for our entire life. Explaining is counterproductive and draining.

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Make Your Purpose Purposeful - Grasshopper

Do you know someone who walks into a room talking, oblivious of who’s in the room or what’s going on? I confess that I occasionally exhibited that behavior in the past. It took a 6-word question from someone to get me to recognize my lack of awareness and change it.

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Entitled: One Of Life’s Great Myths - Grasshopper

“I’m entitled” or its second cousin “I deserve” are myths that need to be shattered in order to move forward.

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It’s No One Else’s Job To Make You Happy - Grasshopper

To borrow a phrase from the Ford Motor Company, creating your own happiness is "Job One."

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There Is Only One Moment - Grasshopper

That moment is the one you're in now.

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Playing The Odds - Grasshopper

What are the odds you'll get what you want? Oddly enough, no one really knows.

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Dress Less Formal - Grasshopper

Just had a dream about being in a beach community and wanting to take a run along the water. But as I looked down I had on a shirt that didn't lend itself to running. I was too formal for what I wanted to do.

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Waiting For What You Don’t Want - Grasshopper

If you’re anything like me, you’ve waited a long time for something to happen that didn’t. What you may not have experienced yet is the realization that you no longer want it. It’s a bittersweet revelation.

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How Useful Is Guilt? - Grasshopper

The answer is VERY, if . . .

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Everything There Is - Grasshopper

There is one constant in the universe – one thing that makes up everything. That one thing is REALITY.

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Utopia Is Not A Place - Grasshopper

Apparently The Grasshopper must be brushing up on his Greek. The definition of “Utopia” in Greek is “not a place.” How profound!

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Achievement vs. Fulfillment - Grasshopper

Achievement is something that can be measured; fulfillment is a feeling.

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What Direction Are You Pointed In? - Grasshopper

I’m an advocate for living in the moment. I make every effort to do so. I do believe a framework is needed in order for the moments to have something to work towards.

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Telling Stories Out Of School - Grasshopper

Telling stories out of school is gossip. Telling stories about life is transformative.

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Reach Forward To Go Back - Grasshopper

Out of the blue came this Grasshopper directive: "Reach forward to go back." I haven't a clue what this cryptic message means, so let me explore.

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Falling Down Is Accidental; Getting Up Is On Purpose - Grasshopper

Who hasn't tripped in life? And who hasn't heard that when you trip and fall, the measure of the person is getting up again?

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What’s Possible? - Grasshopper

We give lip service to “Anything’s Possible” when we use probability as an excuse.

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An Old Saw That Doesn’t Cut It Anymore - Grasshopper

I don't know if it's heresy to call a biblical phrase an "old saw," so forgive me if I've sinned. I believe that "an eye for an eye" is the oldest saw I know of that just doesn't cut it anymore.

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Bricks And Mortar Don’t Make A Home - Grasshopper

My dad was a bricklayer and he built our first house. Sidebar: None of that rubbed off on me. But as nice as he could build it, it would have never been a home without the welcome mat of family.

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Feel Better - Grasshopper

Ever wonder how one person’s affections gravitate from one to another? I don’t know for sure but I have a suspicion.

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Explaining The Reasons Doesn’t Change The Act - Grasshopper

We are reasoning beings. We come up with reasons for everything. One thing a reason can’t do is change the reality of an act.

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Hidden Treasure - Grasshopper

What are you hiding from? We all hide from something and to quote an Eagles song, “Every form of refuge has its price.”

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The Hardest Part Of Getting Up Is Being Down - Grasshopper

I don't know about you but there is one thing clear about me: When I sit down to do something and forget to have something I need to do that thing, and have to get up to get it, I'm annoyed.

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When Too Many Sentences Begin With “I” - Grasshopper

Notice the people you avoid the most. And then ask yourself how many times they use the word “I.”

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Windy Caution - Grasshopper

There is a history to the phrase "Don't take any wooden nickels" and if you're interested in finding out more, Click Here. Basically, it's a warning to be cautious.

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Get Along Or Git? - Grasshopper

When I hear the phrase “Get along little doggie,” I think of three things:


1.      Git! Meaning “be on your way” as in Texas talk.

2.      An admonition to your pet: “Be nice to your friends” little doggie.

3.      Recommending that someone get a dachshund.

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Osmosis Or On Purpose? - Grasshopper

It seems to me that most people I've met are prejudiced . . . to one degree or another. The question is: How did they get that way?

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How Solid Is Your Defense? - Grasshopper

If you were a defendant in a courtroom, this question would have one meaning. It has an entirely different meaning if you want to learn something new.

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Pardon Me - Grasshopper

My proper Swedish grandmother taught me the difference between "excuse me" and "pardon me." "Excuse me" means you want to leave; "pardon me" means you want some forgiveness.

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Losing Hope? - Grasshopper

I hope I haven't run out of things to say about hope.

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The Secret Of Waiting - Grasshopper

It’s taken me the better part of my life to learn this one secret: Waiting.


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There Is No Such Thing as “My Truth” - Grasshopper

The biggest popular myth today is that there are versions of the truth. “Horsefeathers” is not a strong enough word to convey my sentiments.

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Calm Down! - Grasshopper

One of the biggest directives without direction is “Calm down,” followed closely by “Relax.”

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It’s Never Too Early To Prevent Being Late - Grasshopper

We don’t need a psychic to predict our future; we only have to look to our past to see what’s on the horizon.

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I Don’t Know - Grasshopper

Knowing is the cement of solid positions; not knowing is the door to discovery.


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“No Guts, No Glory” Is More Than A Story - Grasshopper

We all face choice points in our life. One of the biggest is the option to stop telling our story. It's the road less traveled and the outcome is this: glory is ceded.

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I Don’t Want To Learn To Dance - Grasshopper

In the spirit of full disclosure, I'm a lousy dancer. Don't believe me, just ask anyone in my family. But this is not the dancing I refer to.

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When You Don’t Know, Suspect - Grasshopper

“I suspect” is another version of “I’m guessing here.” It’s really the only answer available when you don’t know, which is almost always.

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Searching For The Truth Will Keep You Searching - Grasshopper

Want to go on a lifelong quest? Search for the truth.

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Plot Your Future With A Screenshot - Grasshopper

Have you ever metaphorically taken a screenshot of your life? In other words, find out where you are right now.

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What’s Your Background? - Grasshopper

That’s a question most often asked in a job interview, but it’s valuable to explore it on your own.

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Patterns Are Predictable - Grasshopper

I attended a family, wedding anniversary over the weekend and volunteered to take photographs of the event. It was a really fun time. Later, when I looked at the candid, non-posed crowd shots, I saw the familiar patterns of all the people I knew.

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Fighting Battles That You Have Already Won - Grasshopper

One of my biggest shortcomings is going over the same trail I’ve blazed before. I find it exasperating.

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The Lightness Of Responsibility - Grasshopper

Are you a bragging parent or grandparent? Me too. Bring out the pictures and the stories and glow in their cuteness and achievements. Just one caution . . .

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How And Where? - Grasshopper

The question most of us ask at one point is, “How did I get here?” It’s a question that needs to be asked but not dwelled on. The more important question is, “Where am I going?”

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The Noise Of Addiction - Grasshopper

After the addictive substance is removed, what keeps people addicted? - The noise of addiction.

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Nobody Loves Me - Grasshopper

When I get the blues, I go into my “nobody loves me” mindset. It’s a period when I feel that no one cares about me.

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What Is ‘Stuck’ Other Than Being Stuck On A Point Of View? - Grasshopper

When most of us claim to be stuck, we point to a specific cause for our condition.

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Ban The Banner Ads - Grasshopper

Have you ever noticed all the people with banners outside your polling place on Election Day? I propose that we put away the banners and give people an unfettered choice without cajoling them to our side of the fence.

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Manufactured Sincerity Is An Oxymoron - Grasshopper

Unless you're an actor, manufactured emotions just reveal shallowness.

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Transcending Limitations - Grasshopper

When you do a personal deep dive, you will discover that most limitations are self-limitations.

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Why Meditate? - Grasshopper

There are countless ways to meditate but only one main reason to do so.

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When Up Is Down And Down Is Up - Grasshopper

Confusion is a learning state. Not knowing is a portal to discovery.

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Everyone’s Lost In A Different Place - Grasshopper

Where are you lost? I’ll bet it’s in a different place than me, or anyone else for that matter.

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The Purity of Innocence - Grasshopper

When we see a newborn, whether it's a child or a puppy, it's hard not to see innocence.

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Have Or Had? - Grasshopper

Where is your focus? Is it on what you have or what you had? The answer will predict your future.

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Leaders Don’t Always Know Where They’re Going - Grasshopper

A long-standing myth is that people who lead know which direction to go. That’s often not the case.

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Burned Out Light Bulbs - Grasshopper

The older I get, the more I appreciate Thomas Edison's approach to invention: Taking note of what doesn't work and moving forward.

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YES or NO? It Depends - Grasshopper

This trickled out into conversation the other day: "You can always come back from a NO. Coming back from a YES leads to disappointment."

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Is There An End To The Olive Branch? - Grasshopper

When do we stop reaching out? I'm not sure, so let's explore.

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Focusing On Faded Memories - Grasshopper

A walk down memory lane can be joyous and it can contain pain.

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Your Mind Is A Receiver - Grasshopper

When you use your conscious mind, you are using its ability to receive and assemble.

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Where You Were Is Only A Reference - Grasshopper

I’m reminded of a time I was out of work and received a job offer. I said to my friend Paul, “It’s not close to the money I was making.” He succinctly replied, “It’s more money than you’re making now.”

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What Sticks? - Grasshopper

Glue strength most often is the best barometer of what sticks.

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What’s Wrong With This Picture? - Grasshopper

I was always adept at figuring out what the difference was between two similar drawings in a newspaper cartoon challenge. That skill transferred into real life as a two-sided sword.

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A Marriage of Misery - Grasshopper

Seems 50% of the population has been married and divorced. What are we married to and divorced from? That’s a real question looking for a real answer.

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Getting Lost In Our Humanism - Grasshopper

It’s fair to say that most of us have been lost a time or two on this journey called life. We’ve walked down a path that lead nowhere in the hopes of getting somewhere.

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Up-To-Date - Grasshopper

Are you “keeping up with the Jones’” or are you “up-to-date”? There is a difference.

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Life’s Poker - Grasshopper

You may be opposed to gambling but you’re given a hand to play every day.

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Rise or Fall? - Grasshopper

It’s just an opinion, but I truly believe it’s easier to go down to the level of another than to rise up to an ideal.

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Perception Is 90% Of The Law - Grasshopper

90% of our communication is verbal. It’s how we interpret (perceive) the world. And most of us are familiar with the axiom “Perception is Reality.” But it’s not.

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Inspiration Shall Not Be Rushed - Grasshopper

That sounds like an edict issued by an ancient headmaster, and are words to heed.

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Getting Attention Or Paying Attention? - Grasshopper

Getting attention is easy; paying attention takes work.

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Expand Your Options - Grasshopper

One of the ways we remain in place is by executing our routines – good ones and bad ones.

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Lost Connection - Grasshopper

It’s a restorative and therapeutic regime to unplug once in a while; it’s problematic when you lose total connection.

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Your Brain Has A Mind Of Its Own - Grasshopper

Your brain is the most complex organ in the body. It has countless functions. One of them is the mind. The mind, pure and simple, is the thinking function of the brain.

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Commit Or Quit - Grasshopper

What is commitment? In its simplest form, it's "do what you say you're going to do."

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Bonsai Bonus - Grasshopper

Somewhere in the 1990s I got interested in Bonsai trees. I took a few classes and read a number of books and articles, and bought a few trees. I even attempted to grow my own from seed.

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Cooking With Gas - Grasshopper

My dad had an expression when a project was going as planned: “We’re cooking with gas, John.”

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Facing Reality - Grasshopper

Reality is what happens each minute of each day but we don’t look at it that way.

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Gone Fishin' - Grasshopper

Did you ever want to leave it all behind? Me too.

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Dead Wrong - Grasshopper

How often have we uttered these words: “Dead Wrong”? Less times than you’ve found a lime seed is my experience.

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The Fear Of Hatred - Grasshopper

Seems to me that when you boil it down, hatred is nothing but fear.


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Set & Forget - Grasshopper

America is a “set and forget” society. We look for a sub-routine in just about everything – one that doesn’t require us to pay attention.

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Getting In Shape - Grasshopper

I heard actor Hugh Jackman quoting actor Will Smith saying, "It's easier to stay in shape than to get in shape." Anyone who has made the effort will readily agree.

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Think You Can Imagine - Grasshopper

There is tremendous value in interrupting our thinking, especially when it's taking us down a dusty trail. The question then becomes "How do I go about interrupting?"

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The Cowardly Act Of Hinting - Grasshopper

“Can’t you take a hint?” No, not when a straightforward option is available.


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The Grand Excuse - IF - Grasshopper

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What would I do differently – If”? I know I have. But it was surprising to me that it’s the question that’s revealing, not the answer.

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Hope Is Reality’s Waiting Room - Grasshopper

Pure and simple, hope is a mindset, not a catalyst for reality.

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It’s Hard To Appreciate A Passage Until You’re In One - Grasshopper

In 1976 Gail Sheehy wrote a seminal book call “Passages.” It details with great specificity what goes on when you’re going through particular passages in life.


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How To Condition The Air Around You - Grasshopper

My air conditioning went out during the hottest weekend of the year. I’m not looking for sympathy; I’m more interested in the conditioning we put out there for consumption.

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The Credit Always Goes To The Student - Grasshopper

We’re all familiar with the teaching of The Buddha, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” The teacher has always been there; the student has not.

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Repercussions - Grasshopper

"What goes around comes around," "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," and "time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted" are pieces of wisdom we're all familiar with. What they all signify are patterns.

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Mind Your Mind - Grasshopper

I view the mind as a stimulus-reaction machine that’s on autopilot. More simply put, your mind has a mind of its own.

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Old School Rules - Grasshopper

What stands the test of time? Many things, but included among them are “Old School Rules.”

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Skywriting - Grasshopper

Ever notice how skywriting disappears soon after it’s etched in the sky? The letters lose their shape and become indistinct puffs of smoke.

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Creating On Purpose - Grasshopper

We all create every day, but we may not like or be satisfied with our creations.

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It Comes Through Me, Not To Me - Grasshopper

Whatever you’re creating in your life comes through you. You are a conduit for creation.

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The Juice Of Life - Grasshopper

We're all squeezing things out of life – decisions and creations, if you will. But if your creations or decisions lack juice there's not much satisfaction attached.

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Aware Or Awake? - Grasshopper

Are you aware or awake? I hope the answer is both. Awareness to me represents knowledge; awake embodies wisdom.

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Fashioning A Future - Grasshopper

Reciting or revisiting your history recedes you into the past – an illusionary world that doesn’t physically exist. It only exists in our memory. The same is true for the future. The only place it lives is in our mind.

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The Shadow Knows - Grasshopper

I have this interesting, far out notion that shadows are the real us, and that our physical body is the hand puppet of our shadow. Think of the shadow as the battery (animating force) and we are its public face.

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Above Decks, Below Decks - Grasshopper

How many beliefs do you have? Believe me, you can’t count that high.

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Above Decks, Below Decks - Grasshopper

How many beliefs do you have? Believe me, you can't count that high.

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Glitter Or Gold? - Grasshopper

Over a decade ago, The Grasshopper opined, That which we reach out for is glitter; that which we mine for is gold.” There is a choice point in life where we can stop reaching and start mining. That choice point can be NOW!

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Unasked Questions - Grasshopper

We are a curious lot. We ask questions – lots of them. But there are some questions we never (hardly ever) ask.

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The Universal Addiction - Grasshopper

We're all addicted to the same thing: Reaction!

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The Wrong Side Of Right - Grasshopper

I'm usually not a big fan of the words "right" and "wrong." I much prefer "accurate" or "inaccurate." They seem to be less inclined to lead to a confrontation. In the case of The Grasshopper's latest musing, I'm allowing myself an exception. He said, "Wrong is wrong no matter how many right things you do."

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I’m Tired Of Trying - Grasshopper

My mother had an expression when a leaf vegetable didn't appear to be fresh. She would say, "That lettuce looks a little tired." That meant to toss it, as in throw it away.

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Justifications Are The Glue That Cement You In Place - Grasshopper

A justified piece of behavior is more solid than the holiday fruitcake. When there are no holes in your rationalizations, your behaviors remain solidly irrational.

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The Blending Zone - Grasshopper

My son was driving me to an appointment the other day and we traveled through many, different, ethnic neighborhoods on our route. I began to notice the fringe area between each locale – the blending zone between two different cultures. Each zone was a microcosm of our country.

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Smart Or Wise? - Grasshopper

I know a lot of smart people. I used to think I was one of them. Then a friend asked me, “If you’re so damn smart, why aren’t you rich?” I’m not sure the two are equated because I know some dumb, rich people too. But whether we’re smart or dumb, we are truly impoverished if we don’t explore our wisdom.

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Alignment, Purpose, Power - Grasshopper

When you’re aligned with your purpose, you unleash your power.

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Solution Dissolution - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper uttered this on Christmas Day: “Arguing to be right prevents reaching a solution.”

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What Are You Invested In? - Grasshopper

It dawned on me that the words “vestments” and “investments” come from the same place. Vestments are the type of robes that we cloak ourselves in. When we are in that specific robe, we are wrapped in its limitations.

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The Details Are Unimportant - Grasshopper

Who hasn’t heard the idiom, “The devil is in the details”? It stems from an old German expression: “God is in the details.” Either way, the details often get in the way.

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The Final Chapter - Grasshopper

Having written a book, for me, the hardest part after getting started was writing the final chapter. It often leaves you unsatisfied, and I think it’s why most people are disappointed with the final episode of a long-running TV series.

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Conduit For Creativity - Grasshopper

Here’s The Question: Do you want to be Conduit for Creativity or do you remain mundane and stay the same?

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Reality Doesn’t Have Shades Of Gray - Grasshopper

Reality presents us with “Is” or “Isn’t.” There is no in-between. It’s like an on or off switch or ones and zeros in computer binary code.

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The Diversion Excursion - Grasshopper

From my vantage point, the main reason we seek out diversions is to escape the thoughts in our heads. Some people are on a lifetime trip to nowhere in an effort not to be alone with their thoughts.

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Deep Beauty - Grasshopper

For me, beauty is a sensation felt when experiencing something that gloriously takes my breath away.

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Are You Still Dancing With The One That Brung Ya? - Grasshopper

Let’s pretend that life is a dance contest.  A telltale sign of whether you’re winning or losing are the dance steps that you take.

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Spring Forward - Grasshopper

Have you ever noticed that the universe doesn’t move backward? It’s always forward moving. There is a lesson we can all learn from this observation.

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Angle Of View - Grasshopper

Do you see things differently? Of course you do because you have a specific angle of view.

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What Do You Want? - Grasshopper

It occurred to me that we all want the same thing: Serenity (Peace of Mind). Notice that what we really want is a feeling that we’ve attached many labels to.

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Are Circumstances Obstacles Or Steppingstones? - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper popped in with this the other day: “Live your life more freely by leaving your circumstances in the past.”

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Stories Of Past Futures - Grasshopper

We often get stuck in life when we don’t recognize the accuracy of the following Grasshopper observation: “The past informs the present but it doesn’t dictate our future.”

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Gurus Have Clay Feet - Grasshopper

How high is the pedestal you envision your guru on? The higher it is, the more disappointed you’ll be when they fall from grace.

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Knowing Everything Is An Affliction - Grasshopper

Have you ever been accused of being a “Know-it-All”? I have and I was.

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Deepening You Aim - Grasshopper

Do you go from top to bottom or bottom to top? Either way, it’s a two-way street when it comes to goal setting.

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Do You Know Where You Are? - Grasshopper

You may have answered that question with, “between a rock and a hard place,” but that’s a pretty metaphorical answer, and not useful in getting where you want to go.

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Your Name Is A Label You Put On Your Conditioning - Grasshopper

“I’m John Morgan.” That’s an assertion set in stone. In order to carve out who we really are, we have to chip away at our conditioning, until we discover who we are without our labels.

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Who Is The Real You? - Grasshopper

It’s easy to say who we’re not. We’re not our thoughts or behaviors, even though we are responsible for them. Neither are we our name, role, station in life, attitudes, assertions, declarations or beliefs.

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Every Puzzle Piece Has Its Place - Grasshopper

Ever work a giant jigsaw puzzle? There are thousands of pieces; each one equally contributes to the complete picture. How often, during the course of solving our puzzle, do we toss one piece back into the box and label it as “insignificant” to what we’re looking for at the moment?

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The Rhythm Of Life - Grasshopper

I’m sure I’m not the only one who ever noticed that the rhythm of life is always moving, and it’s only moving in one direction: Forward!

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Come To Your Senses - Grasshopper

Can you remember watching a movie or TV show that had the following scene in it? One character is frozen in fear and another character attempts to snap them out of it and slaps them across the face and says, “Come to your senses!”

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Over The Rainbow - Grasshopper

One of the most emotional songs for me is “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.” I love just about every version I’ve ever heard, including the original from Judy Garland. My personal favorite is sung by Harry Nilsson featured in the movie You’ve Got Mail.

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Tune In To Your Spirit By Tuning Out Your Thoughts - Grasshopper

I consider myself a spiritual person but the word “spiritual” has different meanings to different people. Here’s what it means to me.

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Change Happens When You Start Changing - Grasshopper

Assisting people in personal change has been my profession for nearly 40 years. Here’s an observation on the people who change and the ones who don’t:  Those that take the ball and run with it succeed; the ones who don’t, stay lost in hope. And as I’m quite fond of asking, “If you hope in one hand and spit in the other, which hand will fill up first?”

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Any Act Of Doing Moves You To A Different Place - Grasshopper

Moving your thoughts and moving your body have two different outcomes. One leaves you stuck in your head and the other moves you in a different direction.

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Making The Invisible, Visible - Grasshopper

It was a whole new discovery for me to realize that creativity is the art of making the invisible, visible.

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What You Have, Not What You Had, Are Your Building Blocks - Grasshopper

Bring yourself into the present – the only moment you can create from, and realize that what you currently have are the real materials to construct your future.

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Subtracting From Your Substance - Grasshopper

Have you ever noticed that many ads appeal to your sense of lack? The writers of these ads know that you think you’re missing something.

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There Are No Accidents, Only Realities - Grasshopper

I remember years ago when a traffic reporting service to our radio station changed the way it reported cars banging into each other. They stopped calling them “accidents” and started calling them “crashes.” “There’s a car crash on 95 North at the Thurbers Avenue curve.”

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Good Ideas Are left At The Starting Gate If You Don’t Run With Them - Grasshopper

How many pearls of wisdom have been fed to the swine? Too many if you let your ideas die on the vine.

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Our Common Sense Has Been Imprisoned - Grasshopper

What’s happened to our common sense? It has been taken prisoner by the purveyors of doom for profit.

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Stop Talking About How You Got Here And Focus On Where You’re Going - Grasshopper

How you got here is a history lesson. You can go back over the chapters of your life and chart a course to find how you got to where you are. But continually talking about it, keeps your focus on the past instead of plotting a course towards a different future.

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I’m You And You’re Me - Grasshopper

One of the hardest lessons for me to learn in life is that I’m just like everybody else. No better, no worse – the same. It’s a lesson I’m still learning.

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Natural Resources - Grasshopper

How resourceful are you? Pretty loaded question, eh? The answer is, “more resourceful than you think.”

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Emotions Are Not Things - Grasshopper

“Emotion” may be a noun but it’s not a thing; it’s a feeling.

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Your Hidden Secret - Grasshopper

It’s easier to get a handle on it than it is to fully grasp: What, pray tell? – Your hidden secret.

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The Superpower That Connects - Grasshopper

I don’t think I’m overstating it when I say that women are better at connecting than men. Women have a superpower that most men lack that allows them to relate.

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The Cheater - Grasshopper

A million years ago when I was a disc jockey I used to play a song by Bob Kuban and the In-Men called “The Cheater.” It just popped in my head this morning from out of nowhere. I always get curious when that happens, so I’m going to wonder aloud in this writing and see where it goes.

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The Truthful Elephant - Grasshopper

The ancient parable of the Blind Men And The Elephant metaphorically explains the absurdity and off-putting of the expression “My Truth.”

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The AYES Are A Disguise - Grasshopper

Say what you say, not what you do causes people to say, “I don’t want to know you.”

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What Makes A Difference? - Grasshopper

Who or what makes a difference in your life? The “who” is usually easier to answer, while the “what” remains somewhat elusive.

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What I Meant To Say - Grasshopper

We’ve all misspoken. Those that claim they haven’t, haven’t got a clue that sometimes your tongue runs away with you.

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Decisions Make You - Grasshopper

It’s one of the most transparent secrets that we seem to overlook: decisions make us; we don’t make them.

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Shorten The Storm - Grasshopper

Can’t get that thought out of your head? Notice it!

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How To Lose Your Position - Grasshopper

Whatever position you occupy in life, it’s in jeopardy if your only position is opposition.

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Broken Record - Grasshopper

Back in the day when people played records, if there was a crack in the album, the song would skip and play the same passage over and over again. Thus, the expression, “You’re like a broken record.” That meant you were saying the same thing over and over again.

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Reality Is A Reflection Of Perfection - Grasshopper

When something is 100% scientifically verified, you are witnessing the perfection of the universe.

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Passing On Learning - Grasshopper

I realize the title of this writing can be taken a couple of ways, especially depending on the vocal inflection used. It could be interpreted as “taking a pass” on learning, or it could be about “passing on” what you’ve learned to others.

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What Do I Want? - Grasshopper

It’s a question we hardly ask ourselves. We just assume that we know. Too often, we don’t know.

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All Or Nothing? - Grasshopper

You get your pick, so what will it be: All or Nothing?

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50-50 - Grasshopper

In the history of mankind there has never been, nor will there ever be, a 50-50 relationship. Striving for that goal will keep you focused on the fantasy vs. the reality.

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The Lyrics Of Life - Grasshopper

I was listening to a New Year’s countdown show on satellite radio over the weekend and heard a Bob Dylan song sung by the Byrds: “My Back Pages.” It contained lyrics I had never paid attention to before: Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.”

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Forever Ends Today - Grasshopper

Who hasn’t heard a love song pledging one’s love “forever”? One of my favorite songs is what used to be called a “B” side from a group called the Marvelettes. It’s titled, “Forever.”

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Effective Teachers Are Reachers, Not Preachers - Grasshopper

It’s easy to preach, just assemble a crowd and say whatever’s on your mind. The difficulty is that your message may not reach those in attendance. Your sermon becomes a snooze.

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Reality Is Non-Negotiable - Grasshopper

I listened to an interview with teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg when she said, “We must remember that we can’t negotiate or compromise with the laws of physics.” Her remarks put a blinding spotlight on the human lunacy of railing against reality.

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The Love Bridge - Grasshopper

I saw this quote from the ancient, Persian, Poet Rumi over the weekend: Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

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Have Confidence In Your Body - Grasshopper

“Confidence isn’t a thought; it’s a feeling” is the most obvious whispering The Grasshopper has given me in the last 20 years. I wonder if there’s a deeper message.

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The Big Lie - Grasshopper

Long before Adolph Hitler coined the term “Big Lie,” the French Enlightenment writer known as Voltaire said this: “The more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it gets the appearance of wisdom.”

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The People Helping Dilemma - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper issued this quote the other night: “What to do is simple; getting you to do it is the hard part.”

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Then Again - Grasshopper

Reliving the past is reliving “then” again. That’s no way to live.

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I Plan To Be . . . - Grasshopper

Have you ever pre-planned being angry? That means you had a conversation with yourself like this: if “X” happens, then I’ll be “Y.”

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“Why” Conceals; “How” Reveals - Grasshopper

Anyone who’s taken Journalism 101 knows the “5 Ws”: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. The most useless and untrustworthy answers come from a “Why” question.

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Getting Played By The Game - Grasshopper

I think most of us are familiar with the pejorative terms “game playing” and “gaming the system.” Both of them give games a bad name.

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What Makes You Smile? - Grasshopper

I remember an old joke which asks: “What’s the longest word in the dictionary?” The answer was “smiles” because it had a mile between the two Ss.

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Imagination Is 20-20 - Grasshopper

We humans have 5 senses: Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch, and Hearing. We generally lean more heavily on one of them to interpret the world around us.

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Staying In Touch - Grasshopper

I’m sure you’ve heard or used the expression, “Let’s stay in touch.” In today’s world, that’s usually done via a touch tone, email, Facebook, Skype, Zoom, or text.

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You Can’t BS Your Body - Grasshopper

“You can bullshit the whole world, including yourself, but you can’t BS your body, and neither can anyone else.” So said The Grasshopper recently.

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Pushing Or Pulling? - Grasshopper

The old Chinese proverb says, “Don’t push the river, it flows by itself.” And the term “pulling strings” comes from the world of puppetry. The question is: Are you being pushed and pulled “to and fro “that you’ve forgotten that you have a say in where you go?

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What Didn’t I Do? - Grasshopper

Have you ever asked yourself some form of the question "What did I do to deserve this?" If so, you only asked half the question.

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The Two Sides Of Pretending - Grasshopper

Stretching the truth OR finding a way forward are two sides of pretending. Which one you use determines whether you discover a new path or continue on with a ruse.

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Busy And Important - Grasshopper

A person who makes little time for others is someone I refer to as “busy and important.”


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Our Hidden Gift - Grasshopper

Somewhere in the late 80s I was introduced to a phrase that had me start looking at life from a different angle. It was a gift.

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Rules That Need Bending - Grasshopper

Like most, I generally follow the rules, but I’ve discovered that pliability keeps me from downright breaking them.

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Getting To The Next Moment - Grasshopper

I don’t know about you, but I spent a good portion of my adult life attempting to get to the next moment.

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Dig Up Or Dig In? - Grasshopper

It occurred to me that there is a distinction between digging up and digging in when it comes to our past.

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A True Iconoclast - Grasshopper

One dictionary definition for the word “Iconoclast” is a person who challenges cherished beliefs or institutions. Somewhere along the way, I found that label to be descriptive of me. Often, when exposed to some widely accepted ideas, I thought, “I don’t agree.”

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Emotional Rain - Grasshopper

I can probably count the times I’ve uncontrollably cried as an adult on the fingers of one hand. I find that sad.

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The Answer Machine - Grasshopper

I was out for a walk recently and this thought arose in my head: “The bonus is between the blather.”

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Plug In To Your Plug-Ins - Grasshopper

Two hobbies of mine include plug-ins: photo retouching and audio production. A plug-in is a piece of software that allows you to make complicated adjustments to your original file, in my case a photograph or a recording.

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Making Connections - Grasshopper

Who hasn’t heard the phrase, “He/she/has connections.”? It suggests they’re associated with people with influence and access.

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Dress Rehearsals - Grasshopper

If you’re in a theater group that’s doing a play, dress rehearsals are a must, especially if you want to get to Broadway. For the rest of us, rehearsing what you’re going to say keeps your authenticity at bay.

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Where Is Your Power? - Grasshopper

We all have a seat of power. The question is: Where is it?

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The EYES Have It - Grasshopper

I’ve recently discovered a mind quieting exercise that works for me, instantly! I call it “The EYES Have It.”

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Inertia Is Stronger Than Gorilla Glue® - Grasshopper

It seems the main culprit in keeping us stuck is inertia. The dictionary definition of inertia is “A tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged.”

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The REAL Thing - Grasshopper

I remember an ad for Coca-Cola years ago claiming it was “The Real Thing.” That along with the expressions “The Real McCoy” and “The One True God” recently got me wondering if there truly was one “real” thing. I think there is.

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Waiting For Inspiration - Grasshopper

I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten better at waiting as I’ve gotten older.

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The Need To Argue - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that some people like to argue? Not occasionally, but seemingly always?

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What Chores Are Yours? - Grasshopper

Let’s face it, we all do things we don’t want to do, but we know they must be done. I have that under the broad category of “chore.”

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Adjust Your Environment - Grasshopper

I just reread Bruce Lipton’s seminal book THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF and was impressed again with the major role environment plays in our health and mental well-being.

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Ignoring The Guardrails - Grasshopper

I believe most of us have a history of ignoring the guardrails, often to our disadvantage.

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Going Back To The Land Of “If Only” - Grasshopper

It seems the human condition (thinking) has us review our regrets more often than we realize.

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What Do You Do For Fun? - Grasshopper

It’s a great question to ask of someone to unearth their playful side.

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The First Time - Grasshopper

Life's filled with “first times.” Some are memorable and others we’d like to forget. There is one that is life-changing, but many have not experience it yet.

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What Isn’t Working? - Grasshopper

I’m not convinced we set aside enough time in life to evaluate what isn’t working. We go about executing our patterned routines and, too often, label our results as luck of the draw or fate. It’s neither. (Or is it neither)?

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Unplugged - Grasshopper

If you’re anything like me, you’re plugged in more than ever these days: email, texts, social media, zoom, cable TV, subscription channels, and electronic media of all sorts. That’s a lot of stimulation.

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Who Are You? - Grasshopper

When you come right down to it, the answer to the three-word question, “Who are you?” is a three-word answer: A History Lesson.

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Blinded By Beliefs - Grasshopper

I believe beliefs can create a selective blindness in us. They block out, ignore, or pooh-pooh anything that doesn’t fit within the borders of our limited points of view.

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Texture - Grasshopper

Smooth, velvety, rough, or sandpapery. Any word you use to describe it, texture has a specific feel.

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Chance Meetings - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper had this to say the other day: “Chance meetings won’t happen if you don’t take chances.”

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Tried And True - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper asked, “Are you tried and true or will you let me run one by you?”

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Pontificating Or Relating? - Grasshopper

When I tell you what I know, I’m pontificating. When I pay attention to what I sense, I do more relating.

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Unsettled Sensations - Grasshopper

Unsettled, upset, unbalanced are words that describe sensations going on within us. That means we can feel them in our body. Our body is a sensing machine that always does its job: sense.

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Un-filling The Gap - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice when a conversation goes completely quiet, we often strive to fill in the gap?

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New Year’s Revolution - Grasshopper

It’s the time of year that just about anyone who makes a resolution tries and fails.

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Autopilot - Grasshopper

Is your life on autopilot? Sadly, the answer is “yes” for most. Perfunctory seems to be our go-to pattern for living life these days.

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The Arms Of Conditioning - Grasshopper

How often have you been scared into the arms of your conditioning? After you come up with that answer, notice a fear that takes you into hiding more often than not. That’s the one to bring out into the light of day and let it have its say. Then you’ll have the best chance of letting it go away.

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Flashy Inspiration - Grasshopper

Did you ever notice that inspiration comes in a flash, not piecemeal? This is my way of saying that you won’t think your way to inspiration. Thinking’s too slow.

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Do The Things You’re Good At - Grasshopper

My neighbor, who was a long-time friend, died a couple of years ago. He was gifted at what he did and years before he left us, he offered me a gift that changed my focus.

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Feeling Bad is Not A Remedy - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper woke me up with these words: “Feeling bad about it tomorrow won’t change what you did yesterday.”

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The Blank Page - Grasshopper

Writers often talk about staring at a blank page. That’s their way of saying they don’t know what to write about. There are two main paths they follow when facing a blank page.

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The Death Of Two - Grasshopper

“One is the loneliest number” is not only a phrase from a popular old song, but also a comparison to what used to be: Two!

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Firsts - Grasshopper

I’m a big fan and celebrator of firsts: the first time you successfully did something you deemed undoable.

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Your Body Feels, Your Mind Comments - Grasshopper

“Your body feels your life; your mind reports on those feelings,” so said The Grasshopper.

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The Ultimate Interruption - Grasshopper

A most direct way of finding out who you are is discovering who you’re not. This is done through the process of interruption. You interrupt who you think you are with the part of you that’s more than your name, rank, and serial number.

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Seeing Without Interpretation - Grasshopper

What would it be like to see things without the filter of interpretation? That’s what you’ll find out when you begin the following practice.

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The Ultimate Catalyst - Grasshopper

Looking here at my dictionary I’m seeing the definition of the word “Catalyst.” The thing that precipitates an event.

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I Forgot To Remember - Grasshopper

I ignored the universal, sage advice the other night and went to bed angry.

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You Can Imagine, But You Can’t Know - Grasshopper

Watching a golf tournament over the weekend, one of the announcers said this about a golfer’s mental state going into the final round of the tournament: “I can imagine how he’s feeling.” Then The Grasshopper quickly replied, “You can imagine how he feels, but you can’t know.”


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Comfortable Beliefs - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper offered me a new belief that brings me comfort. I’ll share it with you in a moment, but first let’s explore beliefs

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Going In Circles - Grasshopper

I had a guy tell me in the locker room the other day that he was going in circles. I said, “Well, you’ll never get lost that way.” We both laughed.

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My Conditioning Hates You - Grasshopper

Truth be told, you don’t hate anybody and neither do I. But our conditioning does.

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How Loopy Are You? - Grasshopper

On the surface, the question, “How loopy are you?” seems to be asking, “How crazed are you?” It’s loopier than that.

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The World Isn’t Cruel - Grasshopper

On the surface, the statement, “The world isn’t cruel” seems to be an opinion, when, in fact, it’s a verifiable fact.

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Who Do You Think You Are? - Grasshopper

It seems like a pejorative question on first blush, but “Who do you think you are?” is really a probative query upon deeper inspection.

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Transfer Or Transition? - Grasshopper

How does a person change? Do they transfer or do they transition from one way of life to another? They do both. And one way is more lasting than the other.

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Be, Do, Have - Grasshopper

I was introduced to a goal setting strategy by my friend Hali. Apparently, it’s been around for a long time, but it’s brand new to me. In reverse order it’s Have, Do and Be.

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I’m Gonna Be Upset - Grasshopper

Have you ever predicted how you’re going to feel if a certain set of circumstances happen? My guess is everyone has.

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Your Mission - Grasshopper

Do you have mission? If not, you’re probably not going to get what you’re going after.

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Shady Cornfields - Grasshopper

Ever see a cornfield? A shady one? If so, you didn’t see too much grow.

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Why Am I Here? - Grasshopper

My guess is a lot of people have asked that question of themselves: “Why am I here? I’m sure the answers received were as varied the Baskin-Robbins menu.

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Teaching And Learning - Grasshopper

I was chatting with an old friend who spent part of his career teaching school. After that conversation I was struck with this: Teachers who don’t learn are lousy teachers.

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The Argument Game - Grasshopper

How often do we confuse who we are with our point of view? Just about all the time is darn close to being true.

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Wisdom Can Come From Anybody - Grasshopper

A more accurate statement would be, “Wisdom can come through anybody.” And it helps if you break the word “anybody” into two words: “any” and “body.”

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Arguing For Our Limitations - Grasshopper

I’m sure I’ve recorded something about this before, but part of me is aching to say it again: Arguing for our limitations is limiting.

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First Reactions - Grasshopper

The older I get, the more I notice first reactions, not only by me, but by others as well.

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Conditioned Not To Pay Attention - Grasshopper

Is there any doubt that the condition labeled ADHD has been diagnosed with alarming and increasing frequency over the years? The fact that many people even know that acronym confirms the point.

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You Didn’t Ask . . . - Grasshopper

Here’s where I start using the word “but” to its best advantage. You didn’t ask my opinion BUT I’m going to give it to you anyway.

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Tell Me Something I Haven’t Heard - Grasshopper

I used to read a ton of self-help books. Then, there came a time when they all sounded alike. The advice they offered was not eye-opening, but redundant.

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Channeling - Grasshopper

If you buy into the notion that there are parts of you that know how to do things that you currently don’t know, this is for you.

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I’m Bored - Grasshopper

How many times have you said or heard someone else say, “I’m bored?” You can’t count that high.

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Investing Too Much Time - Grasshopper

Here’s a personal discovery I’ve made along the way: Investing too much time in thinking about what you don’t want.

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Outside Noise Annoys - Grasshopper

The full message from The Grasshopper was this: “Outside noise annoys; inside noise destroys.”

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The Universal Best Answer - Grasshopper

I’m hesitant to use the word “best” because it can be an argument starter. But I think there’s little argument of what the best answer is.

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Intellectual vs. Emotional - Grasshopper

If you ever have the occasion to make a pitch to someone, business, personal, or otherwise, you would be wise to consider the approach you want to take before you take it. Intellectual or emotional are your choices.

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The Myth Of Acceptance - Grasshopper

If the word “acceptance” is synonymous with two other “A” words, “acknowledgement” and “agreement,” then it comes closer to a real concept for me. Acceptance, the way it’s used in many self-help circles, misses the mark of being a real thing.

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Below Your Beliefs - Grasshopper

What if you could rid yourself of all your beliefs? What would be the result? You would find out who you are below your beliefs.

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You Weren’t Born Prejudiced - Grasshopper

Prejudice is acquired. It’s sort of like Scotch Whiskey; it’s an “acquired” taste. That means you torture yourself several times drinking it until you learn to like it.

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Now Has No Regrets - Grasshopper

Living in the moment has an overlooked advantage: No Regrets!

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Without Patience Results Come Slower - Grasshopper

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been accused of being short on patience. What that got me was this: it took me longer to get to solutions.

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Diversion vs. Focus - Grasshopper

Do you numb your senses or sharpen your gaze? The answer to that question reveals your future.

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Preferences vs. Rules - Grasshopper

Seems we all have preference and rules we live by. A conundrum appears when we confuse the two.

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Stretching Expands Your Horizons - Grasshopper

I channeled my “Inner Gumby” last night and stretched myself. The experience is hard to put into words but I’ll do my best.

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Nobody Knows What It’s Like To Be You - Grasshopper

As much as we’re all the same, it’s never an accurate refrain to claim, “I know how you feel” or “I know what that’s like.” No, no you don’t.

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Relationships - Grasshopper

I don’t think anyone has the secret to relationships, just like no one has figured out the secret to parenting. Those secrets remain forever in the shadows, allowing us to only guess as to what they are.

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The Memory Machine - Grasshopper

Your mind is a memory machine, loaded with tapes and video of days gone by. If you’ve ever mistaken your mind as being who you are now, you have failed at history. It’s simply a recording device of your personal history.

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Avoiding The Void - Grasshopper

Talking to ourselves is more than a national pastime; it’s a global pandemic.

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Hide And Seek - Grasshopper

What are you hiding? I’m not personally interested in your answer, only in having you ask and answer the question of yourself.

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How Much Happiness Do You Have? - Grasshopper

How happy are you? In order to answer that question, you have to take a measurement. But what will you measure?

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Life Experience - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper visited the other day and had this to say: “Life experience is evidence, but not necessarily factual.”

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Be Specific - Grasshopper

I saw a phrase in an article I was reading recently that triggered my anti-fluff training. “Fluff” is a non-specific word or phrase that needs clarification.

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Is Love Involved? - Grasshopper

I’ve come to a point in life that I hope all people arrive at. That is to make decisions only after you ask yourself, “Is love involved?”

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A “Cha-Ching” Thing - Grasshopper

The sound of an old time cash register ringing (Cha-ching) is often mimicked as a put-down for doing something solely for the sake of money.

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Who Is The Real You? - Grasshopper

If your answer to that question is your thoughts about who you are, let me politely say, “You have rocks in your head.”

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Open And Shut Cases - Grasshopper

I’ve watched my fair share of Perry Mason and Law & Order episodes to have witnessed many open and shut cases. This writing has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with you.

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Who Lit The Fire? - Grasshopper

I remember from my days as a Boy Scout that you need kindling wood to build a fire. It makes it easier for the larger pieces of wood on top to catch fire and the results are a roaring blaze.

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Adapt To Your Age - Grasshopper

Are you familiar with the old adage, “act your age”? It’s used by many as a put down, mainly suggesting immaturity. “Adapt to your age” is a suggestion I’m offering that leads to a more peaceful life.

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The Way It Wasn’t - Grasshopper

We all have the ability to remember, but many of those memories go through a sanitizing filter before they reach our conscious awareness. It’s sorta like the filter people put on their social media pictures to make them look 20 years younger.

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What Brings You Joy? - Grasshopper

I was talking with a friend the other day and, in effect, she said, “I’ve been wasting my time on a project instead of getting other things that need doing done.” The Grasshopper interrupted our conversation with this: “You’re not wasting time if it brings you joy.”

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How To Get Attention - Grasshopper

I'm sure there are countless ways to attract attention, most of which consist of you doing some overt action to get someone to put their eyes and ears on you. But there is a more useful method that has longer lasting results.

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Shape Is A Look; Conditioning Is A Feel - Grasshopper

I’m sure if you’re anything like me you’ve said, “I gotta’ get back in shape.” That means you want to reshape your body to a specific image you’re holding in your mind – maybe from a time when your body resembled that image. Good luck with that.

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Tolerance - Grasshopper

We learned about story telling in elementary school. The basic structure is beginning, middle, and end. Beginning and end are the bookends; Middle, like an Oreo® cookie, is the sweet spot.

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Motivation Needs Your Participation - Grasshopper

What motivates you? My guess is it’s dependent on the day. Some days it’s something immediate that needs your attention, and other days it’s a long term goal that requires interim steps.

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Mind Numbing - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper was top of mind the other day and offered this: “Mind numbing doesn’t lead to peace of mind.”

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Hurting Others - Grasshopper

I’m always hesitant to ask a “why” question because it usually brings a never ending list of all-over-the-map answers. But I’ve been struck with one answer to this question: Why do we intentionally hurt others?

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The Sky’s Not The Limit - Grasshopper

I can’t remember when I first heard it or who said it, but someone said, “There’s no such thing as the sky.”

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Looking Backward - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper recently shared this with me in the deli line: “There’s a good reason to go backward: so not to go forward in the same direction.”

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Ants Don’t Get Frustrated - Grasshopper

Have you ever see an ant hill? Ants dig into the ground and build mounds around their underground nests with the excavated dirt. These mounds show us where the ants live.

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Separation And Connection - Grasshopper

I was reading the works of Alan Watts recently and he made an interesting distinction about the concept of space.

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A Watched Pot . . . - Grasshopper

There’s an old expression that on its face seems right, but when you get right down to it, it doesn’t hold water. That familiar phrase is: A watched pot never boils.

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Observation vs. Condemnation - Grasshopper

If you’re anything like me, you think a lot. But when we’re thinking, we’re not observing and we miss a lot.

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How Does That Work? - Grasshopper

Have you ever asked yourself, “How does that work?” Me too, but not that often.

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Avoiding Sadness - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper had this to day when I was whipping up some breakfast: “Avoiding sadness prolongs sadness.”

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The ‘Is’ Or ‘Isn’t’ Of Reality - Grasshopper

Reality is comprised of two things, and two things only: Is or Isn’t.

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Baked-In Costs - Grasshopper

I first heard the term “baked-in costs” from a doctor, not a financial executive.

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Bitter Taste - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper spouted these words recently: “If you have a bitter taste in your mouth, spit it out!”

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What Triggers You? - Grasshopper

“The term ‘trigger’ has gotten a bad reputation recently and I’d like to speak on its behalf, your honor.”

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Nothing To Say - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper offered this lengthy message to me: “If you have nothing to say and choose to speak anyway, say something you’ve never said before.”

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Tug Of War - Grasshopper

I remember as a kid, we would play tug-of-war. Somebody would bring a rope to school and a bunch of us guys, never girls, would line up on each side and grab hold of the rope and try and pull the other side across a line. It was great fun, and pretty good exercise as well.

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Your Favorite Topic - Grasshopper

What do you enjoy talking about most?

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When It Rains . . . - Grasshopper

The longer version of this Grasshopper musing is, “When it rains, it looks like it’ll never be sunny again.”

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No Future For AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper offered this the other day: “Artificial Intelligence is based on what has happened, but doesn’t know what’s yet to come.”

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Working On Something That’s Not Working - Grasshopper

How often have you been asked, “How’s that project going?” And you respond with something like, “I’m working on it.”

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Rock Bottom - Grasshopper

I think we’ve all heard that some people have to hit rock bottom before they can rise again.  I’m sure you know folks who have made that transition. I’ve certainly seen my share of them.

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Global Warning - Grasshopper

We’ve all been apprised of the specter of global warming and seem to, for the most part, ignore that warning. We do so at our own peril.

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Confidence vs. Control - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper offered me this the other day: “Strive for confidence instead of control.”

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Your Future Is Now - Grasshopper

You won’t need a crystal ball to see what’s in your future when you give heed to this offering from The Grasshopper: “Your future will be the offspring of what you’re doing now.”

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Every Book Has A Title - Grasshopper

In most cases a book title gives us a hint as to what’s covered in the ensuing pages, but sometimes it makes us scratch our heads as to what lies ahead.

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Working In The Dark - Grasshopper

Those familiar with the ancient, Chinese Yin and Yang symbol will remember that Yin represents dark and Yang represents bright.

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Making You Happy - Grasshopper

Got a visit from The Grasshopper the other day. He said, “It’s not the world’s job to keep you happy.”

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Hello, Goodbye - Grasshopper

The Beatles sang a song called “Hello, Goodbye” but this recording has nothing to do with that. It was prompted by a musing from The Grasshopper. He said, “You don’t get to say ‘Goodbye’ if you can’t say ‘Hello.’”

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“What Is ‘It’?” - Grasshopper

We’ve all heard the phrase “It is what it is.” That signifies the reality of the present. But it seems we ignore, deny, or sugarcoat the reality of the past. Our past can be accurately summed up with this phrase: “It is what it was.”

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I’m Not - Grasshopper

I have a confession to make. I have a light red flag go up when I hear someone say, “I’m not” followed by an adjective or noun.

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The Christmas Spirit - Grasshopper

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, there is something observable called "Christmas Spirit" that goes deeper than religion, gift giving, and sharing a cup of cheer.

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Warm Fuzzy - Grasshopper

What gives you a warm fuzzy, a good feeling?

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Never Stop Learning - Grasshopper

How often have you heard, “Don’t ever stop learning”? To me, “never stop learning” is an attitude, more than it is a directive.

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God’s Job - Grasshopper

Have you ever wondered what God’s job is? I have, and I’ve come up with a theory.

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Truth - Grasshopper

I’ve been looking for a definition of truth that conveys what truth actually is. I believe I’ve found it.

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Act-O-Lutions - Grasshopper

Resolutions are so yesterday! That’s because the ones you made yesterday have probably already been ignored or sidestepped, or soon will be.

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Words Lack Depth - Grasshopper

But as wordy as we can get, words lack depth. Perhaps a Japanese word can explain it better than me. The word is “Yugen”a profound awareness of the universe that triggers feelings too deep and mysterious for words.

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We’re All Being Tested - Grasshopper

Have you ever felt that you were being tested by a situation you found yourself in?

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The Need To Be Right - Grasshopper

I think it’s pretty safe to say, “Nobody wants to be wrong.” There seems to be a need to be right in all of us. I’d like to explore that need.

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Are You Getting Through? - Grasshopper

What’s the difference in feel when two words mean the same thing but come across differently?

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The Insensitive Truth - Grasshopper

Here’s a personal dilemma I’m wresting with: Telling the truth when it’s insensitive.

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Yes, No, Maybe - Grasshopper

When making a request, I believe most of us would prefer the answer “yes.” “No,” it seems, is the least preferred, But when we hear“maybe,” we stop seeing roadblocks and start exploring workarounds.

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Your History - Grasshopper

How valuable is your history? Everybody has a story to tell, but what does it tell you about you?

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Anger Is Your Eventual Enemy - Grasshopper

Anger can be used to build empires or tear down walls, but in the end, it’ll be your downfall.

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Neo – Retro - Grasshopper

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “What’s new is old.” The way I like to express that idea is, “Dressing something old in a new suit of clothes.” And I submit a modern way to portray that notion is to say, “Neo-Retro.”

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What Are My Options? - Grasshopper

I believe, aside from a specific goal we may desire, that all of us want more options. We’re not “one-size-fits-all” creatures, so present us with more features.

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Ps & Qs - Grasshopper

“Mind your Ps & Qs” is an old English expression that loosely means “mind your manners.”

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Window To The World - Grasshopper

What’s outside your window? It’s going to determine how you see the world and your place in it.

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Sameness vs. Consistency - Grasshopper

I’ve often said that I worship at the altar of consistency. For some, that statement puts me into a corner called “same” which rhymes with mundane.

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Own Your Anger - Grasshopper

Here’s a major problem with anger: we don’t take ownership of it.

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Automatic Pilot - Grasshopper

It’s a noticeable fact: We live most of our lives on automatic pilot.

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GOD - Grasshopper

Has anyone ever asked you if you believe in God?

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How Different Are You? - Grasshopper

Our differences often define us and set us apart. But what if they’re the traits that move things forward rather than upsetting the apple cart?

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Blind Spot - Grasshopper

Where’s your blind spot? Here’s the issue: you probably can’t see it.

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It Bothers Me - Grasshopper

What doesn’t fit into your model of the world? Chances are, whatever it is bothers you.

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Open To Opposites - Grasshopper

Being open to opposing viewpoints can give you a finer appreciation of another’s position that they’re stuck on, but how do you use opposites to decide a sticky wicket of your own?

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Reconditioning vs. Redecorating - Grasshopper

Redecorating is an outside adventure. Reconditioning works from the inside out.

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My Position On Opposition - Grasshopper

“When opposition is your position, you’re dead in the water in moving forward.” So said The Grasshopper the other day.

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Are You In Therapy? - Grasshopper

There are probably more people in therapy now than at any time in history. And that’s encouraging and disheartening at the same time.

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Waiting For Perfection - Grasshopper

I recently heard voice actor, TV host, and producer Stacey J. Aswad say, “If you’re waiting for perfection, you’ll spend your whole life waiting.”

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Who’s Kidding Who? - Grasshopper

Many years ago I was introduced to the concept of “Selective Perception.” I found this definition of it online:

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If You Bring It In, You Bring It Out - Grasshopper

There is an upside and a downside to the observation “If you bring it in, you bring it out.” One side truly outshines the other.

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React To A Reaction - Grasshopper

For the most part we’re on automatic pilot when we react. Along comes a stimulus that we’ve been conditioned to, and then we have the same reaction we’ve had countless times before. It happens so quickly that we don’t have time to get a wedge between stimulus and reaction.

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Escape From Limbo - Grasshopper

I think we’ve all been in that mythical land of limbo a time or two. Some say it’s “between a rock and a hard place.” So how do we escape?

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Sustainable Or Desirable? - Grasshopper

This observation is about choices between courses of action.

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Regrets Before The Fact - Grasshopper

I’m sure we all have our regrets, but how many of them could we have avoided had we had them in advance?

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Jumping Through Hoops - Grasshopper

The older I get the less hoops I jump through. It has more to do with attitude than it does with age.

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Lightning Bolt Love - Grasshopper

The Grasshopper recently opined: “Love is like being struck by lightning.”

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How To Get Out Of Your Head - Grasshopper

If there’s a common thread for humanity, it’s got to be, being in your head.

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Living The Dream - Grasshopper

The esoteric question often asked is: “Are you living the dream or is the dream living you?” I don’t know the answer but I have a hunch.

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What Happens After “Go”? - Grasshopper

I watched a lot of the swimming competition during the Olympics this summer and heard the phrase, “Take your marks,” and then an electronic sound to signal the swimmers to start their race. When I was a kid, it was more basic. We would say, “Ready, Set, Go!”

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Getting In Your Own Way - Grasshopper

Who’s never gotten in their own way? Nobody you know. In addition to being human, that’s one thing we all have in common.

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Trial & Progress - Grasshopper

I believe we’re all familiar with the phrase “trial and error.” Upon some reflection, it seems the outcome is slanted towards error. I’m wondering if a shift in language can lead to more progress.

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The Enemy Within - Grasshopper

We all have an enemy within. In fact, it’s our most fierce opponent.

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Resource Review - Grasshopper

We all have internal resources that seem hidden from view, that is until we do a resource review.

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You Will Respond - Grasshopper

When presented with a stimulus, you will respond. Even a non-response is a response. It’s the “push gets a pull” dynamic at work. So what does this mean to you?

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The Culture Trap - Grasshopper

Many years ago I heard it said that most women lead lives of dissatisfaction and most men lead lives of frustration. I wondered how that came to be and here’s the answer that came to me.

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Wish For – Plan For - Grasshopper

I believe we’ve been conditioned as a culture to put the accent on the wrong syllable when it comes to accomplishing things. There seems to be too much wishing and very little planning.

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